Wow, I can't believe that in just two more weeks, no even less than that; summer is going to be here.
In a way I am excited because I just want school to be done and over with. So does everyone else I'm sure hahaha. However just a few days after the last day of school, I have to go to the dentist to get my teeth pulled out. >< What for? Well I'm getting braces. I think that is how you would spell it. It really sucks. Ah, but my teeth is not as bad as you may think it is. Infact, when you see me smile, it looks like I have a good set of teeth. :]
Which I am proud of, however the one problem, my teeth doesn't close down all the way haha, so I have a big gap in my mouth. :}
Ah, for biology we have to dissect a pig!!! I mean whouydfasj foahger; ofh fay of fay oh why oh wyw saodif sheesegabobs, do we have tooo???
It really sucks, I have it before lunch and it makes me lose my appitate because of the horrible smell it gives up. So sad, having to slice up the dead pig. ><
It is so disqusting and the smell!! OH gawd the smell!!! It is so horrible, well to me it is because I have a sensative smell. ><
OH my poor poor nose, and it leaves a after smell too, so whereever you go, you would always smell it.
ah, but might as well get it done and over it ><
(Sorry this is going to be long)
Thanks for your comments that you guys left me on the previous post.
Made me feel really better. You guys are best, I mean it.
Saxgirl Lol his expression was speechless. Well I was the first to give him a present on the day of his birtday, really really early in the morning, hahaha, so he was really tired when I gave it to him :P
Justme My brother says thanks. :]
So yesterday for my brother's birthday, we went to Dim Son instead of New Saigon because that place was full of people and we would had have to wait for a hour before getting a seat down. So we decided to go to a different place, which happens to have the same chief that use to work at New Saigon, so the food tastes the same. The only different about that place is that we get our food faster than the place at New Saigon. :]
One reason why it takes a restaurant a while to give you your food is because they want you to get a little more hungry so that when you eat, the food will taste so good, because you're really starving hehe, and that is just what happen in the previous trips to New Saigon. And for that, I hate them. I hate waiting for food hahahah.
Gah, I think I gain three pounds. hahah
Ah, but there is this technique that allows me to quickly lose those three pounds in just seven days without having to be on a diet hehehe. It works. ^-^
About the drawing, it is a very rare style for me to draw in, so when you see the drawing and the reference I used, you would see that I did many mistakes. I really tried, and my room was dark, so I think I messed up some proportions because of it. >< Please don't say any bad remarks about it. I really tried. My brother liked it so that made me really happy. But I'm practicing more. The next one that I'm doing will be Utada Hikaru. But that is taking along time to get done as well.
Referenced used:
The drawing!!! TahDA!!

My brother's birthday is tomorrow. So I have been working on this drawing for about an hour so far and it is coming along great.
Although I am starting to lose interest, but my brother, we go back a long way.
Always together. We were very close ^-^ Makes me happy thinking of the time from a long time ago, how we would always play with each other, making fun jokes, and teasing others. What I loved the most about my brother is that he is funny. His jokes, how he imitates others and just his personality made me so happy that I am really glad to even had him for a brother.
But now, as we grow older. It isn't the same as it use to be. There are some times when he would just turn on the light in the middle of the night; in my room when I am still sleeping and just work out or tell me stories and new ideas for Hannah Manga Series (something that I haven't worked on for a long time now heh)Haha, it was weird and rude of him to just burst on in, turn on the light and interrupt my sleep, but you know what, I got happy. No matter how tired I was, I always enjoyed his company. Altho I still ask "What are you doing here?"
heh, i really love my brother.
Ah, now he's drifting away. Growing older, changing; we hardly hang out with eachother now. And it makes me mad to see him hanging out with our cousins more than me. I know, I sound jealous, but 'my brother, don't you want to hang out with me anymore?' I'm kind of scared that once we grow even more older and him getting married, he won't have any time left for his older sister.
I feel like I got left behind as everyone moved on. I still hold onto something..
But because my brother was there with me when I was younger, it made him a very precious person to me.
I will get this drawing done. For him.
he's very timid and has a very low interests in girls, but I may be wrong, I think he may like a girl and I find that to be very shocking. Who would ever thought. I mean it, very shocking. And very shocking to watch him grow into something I could never image him doing. heh
We're going to New Saigon for his birthday tomorrow. An expensive and traditional place to go to celebrates one's birthday in the family . Or so it may seems. I'm the only one among the siblings that didn't get to go to New Saigon for her birthday. The only that didn't get to have a family dinner celebrate her birthday.
I got presents, yea that was nice, but what I really wanted the most was that family dinner and I never got it. Sometimes when I think back, it still makes me sad and angry, because other incidents happened on that day. I hate my birthday
What's even worst than my birthday is my little sister forgetting who I am.
I'm sorry, I'm making everyone depress...
Hey guys. How are you all?
I'm doing good, just spent my week drawing like mad!!!!
I had to get so many dones, and at the same time, had to do some request and commissions. ><
ah, was so hectic!! I was literary drawing for the entire day when I got home for school! Well had an hour off for some Hannah time of relaxing haha.
Not that I don't mind doing any of them, but wow, I don't think I ever got so much done in just one week. I mean just look at my manga! How long has it been since I last updated? (that was a rhetorical question.)
but yea, I got one big project done, more than half my size. Woo, well it was the same project as of from last year, the college thing. If you know which one that I mean. I had to make a icon boarder thing to fill up the space, because the frame was too big and it is for the art show. My first ever, so I'm excited. :]
Hopefully they'll accept it.
Then another big project, about a third of my size, is all mixed media. Some paint, prismacolors, and watercolors. :]
Of course some ink, for the outline.
It is coming out great!!!
It is sad that I can really scan it because it is massively huge for the scanner. So I'm going to take pictures of it and show it to you guys. I promise you guys won't be disappointed.
other than that, I'm going to get a haircut soon. ah
I created yet another plushie!!!
Introducing.... Shroom!!!!
an original character from maple story!!
A commission for a friend of mine, that wanted his eyes to be massive. Hopefully this is what he wanted. :]
What I'm trying to do is that I'm trying to raise enough money so that I can go to Europe for the next summer. :]
It is going to be awesome and I want to go. ^-^
And so, if you guys want, please commission me. But, sigh, I don't know how I would be able to send it to you unless you live in the same area as me. ><
But, I do know that if you commission me for a plushie, I can sneak the little guy in the envelope and send them to you. :] But they have to be sort of flat, not like a ball like Shroom here. I can make pretty much anything if you give me an image and I will try like hectic to make it real.

It's Shroom and Dakins! Don't be fooled though, Dakins is smaller than you may seem he is to be.