Shadow Moon
Age: Begining: 19 End: 20
Power: Dark Twilight barrer
Theme: Seize The Day
Love intrests: Roni, Maria, Lust, Jade, Flame
Philisophy: It's not worth it if u have nothing to gain
Tidbit: During the first few books Shadow works for mephilies, tries to get Roni to him. as the books go on he realizes he fell in love with her, but he doesnt like the idea of only being with one girl at a time so he cheats on Roni numerous times. when he sees she moved on (with greed) he almost compleatly loses it but he grows up. He has an intenses rivalry with Liam, and his younger brother Scrouge. Shadow can be extreamly restless when he's fighting and he is very easyly angerd. He has qiute a mouth on him. at the end of the seires he loses Roni to Greed (cuz well she died) but servives the battel between him and Mephilies. (he ends up marrying Flame)
Life stats at end: alive