
SHEESH after the long wait I finally got Okamiden!....i've actually had it for about a week -.-lol Ive been playing it nonstop its so much fun and so cute X3

my favorites are Kurow,Kuni,Sagawura(cant remember how to spell his name) aka King Fury( I was really suprised to find out it wasn't Waka ),Genji. well and of course Chibiterasu.
Well that's it for now off to Play some more Okamiden XD


ok i had been reading new prince of tennis and when I got to this page.....well just look.

IS THAT INUI'S BUTT!?!?! hahaha^///^ im not to sure if that is his butt,although it sure does look like it

I HAVE AN IDEA!!!!!! finally >_>

Ok well I have wanted to Cosplay for awhile now, but never really found a character that ummm...well looked like me... yea I know I know. Ya don't have to say it. You don't have to look like the character DUH!!! >.<! Anyways, I had been look...

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Starry Sky

HOLY BUH-JEBUS!!!!! So i just found out about this new anime while searching through some cosplay stuff. I saw this one HELL of a hot guy and decided to check out who he was. WHOOO WEEEE!!! I am so glad I did. It turns out this anime is based off of a game called Starry☆Sky, known as Sta☆Ska (スタ☆スカ, Suta☆Suka) in Japan. It is basicaally a dating game. There are a total of 12 guys to choose from. Although it is separated into four different games (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) with three different possible love intrests. All of the guys are based off the Zodiac. I haven't watched the anime yet. There are only 2 episodes out right now I think. Its still pretty dang new. Im not even sure if they have been subbed yet or not. Well, if anyone has played this game can you please let me know how it is, because Wikipedia doesn't really go into great detail about all the characters. I guess thats it for now. So, check out this anime im sure you will be glad you did.XD Here is a picture of all the guys. Just to give you alittle preview.


Little Shiraishi

ok well i didnt know where to post this sooooo.....ill post it here*SPOILER WARNING if you havent gotten to shiraishi's flashback turn back now*

CREDIT:: for background-http://blackberry-curve-8520-alx.blogspot.com/2011/01/download-wallpaper-for-blackberry-week_8175.html
for shiraishi-Takeshi Konomi

dont really know how the whole credit thing works.