I HAVE AN IDEA!!!!!! finally >_>

Ok well I have wanted to Cosplay for awhile now, but never really found a character that ummm...well looked like me... yea I know I know. Ya don't have to say it. You don't have to look like the character DUH!!! >.<! Anyways, I had been looking at kigurumis (I think thats how its spelled) all the cute adorable kittys and doggies and Pikachu. and such and such. I thought wow those look pretty cool but I would like a more original one (plus they are WAY to exspensive on ebay@_@). So I thought what about an Okami kigurumi!!! Awesome right! Inspired by the recent release of Okamiden (which I still haven't been able to buy DAMMIT!) but I have NO idea how to make a kigurumi. So where do you go when you don't have a clue what to do. THATS RIGHT YOUTUBE!!!! well at least thats what I do. Googling requires reading lolXD. Im more of a visual learner. So there is a pretty good tutorial up there that I can follow. And with my awwwesome moms help Im pretty sure I can make one. The general uhh shape of it. Ya know without any design or anything. So problem is I have NO SKILLZ AT DRAWING!!!! :(( *sigh* NO I MUST FIND A WAY *points to sky* yea. Well as I said before I have been wanting to Cosplay for awhile and im not exactly sure if this counts as Cosplay IMA BEGINNER DAMMIT!!! So this would be the very first Cosplay I ever done WOOO HOOO thats if it actually gets done. I would like to go to A-Kon. since thats the closest one to my tiny town. buuut theres another problem there SHEESH no friends to go with BLARGH!!!(I have friends just not anime loving Cosplay friends lol made it sound like I had no friends) and I watched waaaay to many surving cons videos to know to go by yourself is a big NO-NO.....my brain hurts... GOTTA FIND A WAY!!! feh keh boewdhnljfcknrf. Hmmm well I guess thats it for my Rant/Idea thing. If anyone has any suggestions on how to draw Okami's face ( the face is the part that will cause the most problems) please PUH-LEASSE! comment or PM me. Uhh lemme see anything else...*thinking...* nope minds a blank.

P.S. been to A-Kon let me know how it was. Worth going?

P.S.S STUPID D ON MY KEYBOARD KEPT STICKING so every word with a D had to be re-typed. Damn the Ds!!! (funny how that sentence had more D's then all of it lol!! IRONY=3)
