The Great Escape

Chapter 2

Sangome looks at Aceburner who currently was being struck by a few million hit combo…

23, 424, 324, 323, 423, 423 hits!

“That has got to hurt…” Shishou, who happens to be passing by, grimly spoke…

“So, will you answer me now?” Sangome demanded.

“Sure…” Ace spoke weakly as Michi walked away from the battered body. “It is the second chapter already…”

“And about time, too.” Sangome said. “Now, let’s go!”

Jomz, who was laughing hysterically at that time started to walk away from the two when his collar was grabbed by Ace.

“Where do you think you’re going, boy?”

“Eh?” Jomz quizzically asked. “Isn’t the two of you enough to bust Shin out of jail?”

Sangome looked at Jomz with sharp, piercing eyes.

“Hey, I understand why you want to save him – being your son and all,” Jomz said trying to weasel out, “and I also get it that Ace is involved, being his defense attorney, but why do I have to go with you?”

“Because I said so…” Ace said full of authority. “Son…” He then smiled wickedly.

Everyone looked at the three. Des almost dropped his tea cup. Michi missed her target. Adam’s cardboard cut-out figure of himself fell down.

“No fair!” Jomz objected. “Why are you pulling rank on me?”

“Because I can.” Ace replied. “Now stop making me start my sentences with ‘because.’ It makes me feel uncomfortable.”

Jomz sulked in a corner.

“Hey, don’t get depressed like that!” Ace yelled at him.

Sangome went over to the corner to try and drag Jomz’ sorry butt out of the corner when he saw what he was doing.

“What are you doing?” She asked.

“I thought you already saw what I was doing?” Jomz asked back.

She was answered with a glare.

“Fine. I’m trying to send Shin a PM. Plus I’m attaching this nail file. If he gets it, maybe he can escape by himself, and I don’t need to be a part of these crazy shenanigans….”

“You do know that all these ‘break Shin out of prison’ were your idea in the previous chapter?” Ace pointed out.

“Yeah… but I did not think that I would be dragged along…” Jomz scratched his head while sheepishly smiling.

“There… It’s sent.”

Meanwhile, at that moment, Shinmaru was outside his cell for the activity time. Everyone was also out doing stuff.

“No way my sharingan pwns ur shadow clones u btch!”

“orly? Well eat dis rasengan and DIE!!!!11111!!!”



“No you STFU!”


“No, you GTFO.”

It was as noisy as hell… Shinmaru was huddled in a corner, rocking back and forth… The environment is driving him close to ripping his eyes out and plugging them in his ears.

It seemed to go on for hours and hours for the poor Shinmaru…

“Dis Chidori will pwn ol ur attacks!!!!11”

“Pipe down you fools!” A guard yelled from the bars. “Shinmaru, you got a PM. Get over here.”

“Salvation…” Shinmaru said to himself…

A guard handed him the PM. He read it.


Don’t forget to brush you teeth three times a day.



“Huh?” Shin quizzically asked.


Attached is a nail file. Keep your nails clean. *wink, wink*, *hint, hint*

A small nail file popped out of the PM. Shinmaru quickly grabbed a hold of it and tucked it under his feet, in his shoes. He then looked around with shifty eyes.

Then, all of a sudden, a riot broke out. It seems that two people were throwing crap at each other – caps lock and all.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Shinmaru asked a passing inmate who was fleeing the center of the disturbance.

“Some idiot called another idiot and idiot…” and without finishing his sentence, the inmate left.

Shinmaru shrugged and also went quietly away as guards beat the rioters with their golden rods. The rioters were sent to solitary confinement, while the rest were escorted back to their cells.

The nail file in Shinmaru’s shoe was not detected. He smiled sinisterly as he was sent to his cell.

He can smell freedom… Though at the moment, freedom smelled a bit sour and unpleasant…

“Someone needs to take a bath…” Shinmaru said to himself.

Note: I can't do NoobSpeak that much... XP