Death note, Bleach and Naruto

I wacthed Naruto and Death not yesterday. It been a long time since I wacthed it. Hrm....The edpisode showdown at the o.k. temple was intersting at least Hinta know how to fight Sakura.... looks like she can't do anything. But If you saw the Manga when there are 15 in the first ediposde of the teenagers Sakura is no more in love with Sasuke she puts her feelings away from him and Start to train with lady Tusnade with madicne then go with Kaskshi Sesnsei an Naruto. I knew she punched a huge hole in the ground like how lady Tusnade fight yeah that's how she did. You should've saw Naruto and Kaskshi's faces. Naruto said number 1 don't mess with Sakura when she's mad. She can fight but...She's not better than Sasumi though. Sasumi can kick sakura's ass and She's 15 too.

Death note I was recording this for a friend I can't belive this but why would they put Deathnote on That made me mad. I did'nt see all of ti I was too busy doing somthing. But I heard Kira voice for the first time....He sound just like Light but light was with the poeple like the police mans and stuff like that. I heard Al's little brother too I think he's his little brother. He talks like a girl...a llittle And he sits like al he love doing puzzles he's scarier then Al is.

Bleach hrm... Ichigo reminds of the person in wolf rain Kiba yeah he talks like him. I think there on the last ediposede.... Ichigo has finally made it too Rukia I think whatever his name is Renji I think he's Dead That's all the stuff I know I wasing wacthing all the stuff of the anime though. Selfore naruto.
