My day without a friend

Ha.... My day was kinda outta wack... I got up at 6; 15 a.m Not really a thing I'm always up for I forgot that Tiff was'nt here cause I always bust in her room and shout saying rise and Shine sleepy head!

I've told her grandmom what had happen... She's kinda sad right now. At school it was kinda lonely The math teacher really did'nt give us any work... We had to do our Exams today at P.E. I failed only one but passed the other two and then I wrote a story. At lunch today.... Everybody was asking for Tiff today. Even the new boy looked kinda sad. I had blue and red mixed slushie it was good (that's the only thing they got good around here.)I brought my friend one. At our last block we had a meeting about collage but I was'nt really paying attioen to it. I ask the princalbal about Tiff.... She said Tiff had already told her what happen. She could've least told her grandmom before running out the house..... Some of the girls was trying get the new boy but it did'nt work.

Well I'm wacthing some stupid cartoon and now i'm about to leave and play Rune factory it's kinda boring.... Maybe I should beg Sohenen jump to let or persade them let my manga be in there magizine.... Or maybe one day they'll ask me can my manga be in there magazine.
