hey there

Hey there
Long time no see, even heard but still make good friends.
there was once a quotes written by Rumi, says "Give me wine and leave me alone".
I luagh at that every now and then just becuase i quit drinking like the end of october and the begining november, but cant say it was easy but i can say this my day of returning to drinking draws near. Seems rather pointless, Im trying to get fit but i will not quit the drinking. In the end I'm still young trying to get the partying out of my body and destroy my self in the processe, I would like to self destruct like one of the pok'e mons. Its funny I can say Im happy with my life yet be content with straggling the T.V. thats been giving me hell for the past month, in the end its ok.

Oh, the thing about the self destruction part it s more feeling the need to change. though people can say other wise I can tell you this I am not going away, not until I found out what I am and whats my some what purpose in this exstance. Though I have stoped drinking and not just drinking the drugs too, i wasn't too big on the drugs just somking. though I stoped i want to continue to experment with the subtences and drinking, not to destroy me self but to molde my self into something more a thing. I want to write my adventures and tell alot to you the reader if you are intrested, my crazy ride begains in summer of 2013.

I hope you look forward to it, thank you.
