Happy New Years!!!!
Random people that enjoy a random read, thus I will report that i'm still alive.
Weird stuff that happens when you shut your self in for a good while, one, you have extreme and random conversation with the television and games you play.
Two, being away from people you talk too seems to be going out of town just cause of money problems, drugs and drinking. Though they don't have to move out for short period of time to kick out the habits and raise up the money, yet it works better to confine themselves to somewhere where the temptations can't reach them.
Three, Even though you have a huge pile of mess you must organize, you run out of things to do but then you realize you have hobbies.
Construct or not to, did someone or something got to be in the way? Or its just your self in a monster suit or you are the wall, it would be way more devilish if it's your self in the way of your creative flow. Yet everybody that has creative flow should be able to over come that wall or "stuck" people like to call it, wonder if someone must do something extreme to unleash the creative juices. i mean majority of the time i must force my self to write, i don't even write that much just a few words and thus my madness grows just like a virus and just like a virus it mutates to adapt to new cures.
On that note I realize my writing is mostly rants on whats wrong with the world, but really i want to write about stories and maybe to add more to horror movies.
Cheers to all the people in the world, happy new years.