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Hello, welcome to this world! Please feel to express your feelings in anyway you like! Don't be afraid of critics. =3 You can promote yourself here if you feel like you want to! I want you to have fun and enjoy this world. Be creative.

Contact me anytime by a pm, comment or e-mail: captain.gin_ichimaru@yahoo.com


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Endless Nightmares

Walls enclose around you.
The snake slithers past
your feet.
What could it be
asked the good maid.

It is a wandering ghoul
out to plague you.
An innocent child's
bloody demise.
A vampires curse
to suck you in.

It is a loved one
dying from something
they've had since birth.
A plane Crashing from
thousands of feet above.
A mother who won't just
let it go.

It is a minds tricks.
A simple trick.
Yet that trick is the key
to the unlocking.
Cold chills.
Sleepless nights.
Endless Nightmares.

Celestial Inter Being

An angel calls my name
Never thinking twice of the price that follows
Gently stirring the depths of my abyss
Ever channeling the flow of her light
Leaping into the unknown
Offering her heart for my soul
Falling fast in a sea of emotions
On an island of Midnight
Deep within my core
Yearning for my cold touch
She wishes me to embrace her
Saying that it is only I that brings her to life
Even my dark heart could not resist her eyes
Yet she knows not what awaits her…

Just improvising. i guess idk

I lifelessly walk, again down the street.
I can't help but bear, the pain in my feet.

My tiresome body, goes no more.
Down the corner, works a whore.

The scrapes on my knees, are searing
With the pain, I am tearing.

My vision is becoming blinded,
I wasn't supposed to do, what i did.

The pictures in my mind,
Are string that have been bind.


This Time[didnt know what to name it]
The skies are blue
Just like you.
Depressed, like the rest.
You do your best
to follow along,
where you don't belong.

My eyes are filled with water,
they roll down my face.
To be greatly disgraced,
is something I face.

For Erin
I love Erin!
I am the pin
and she is the cloth,
soft as a moth.
When she rips, I'll be there
to sew up the tear.
I know you love me too,
It makes my eyes goo.
I know this is cheesy,
but it was easy,
just wanted to say, I LOVE YOU TOO!

Ch.1 The Happening

I stared at my crimson covered hands intently. They were still, not even trembling. I had finally killed a man and my body not even twitch with the thought. My life had turned a path I did not expect to ever happen.

I then thought back to what an innocent child I had been. The time I played with barbies and sang songs about cute things like ponies and flowers. This mess I created would be something no one could ever suspect of me, but isn't that how it always is? The quiet neighbor down the block kills someone and no one could have ever guessed it, not even myself.

The bloodied knife that I clutched so tight in my hand glimmered in the moonlight. I dropped it to the ground and walked down the road for a while. I pulled my hair back and put on rubber gloves. I pulled the body over to a pit I had dug a few days earlier. The body's weight was so unbearable to heave I had to stop for a breath a few times. The sweat dripped off my forehead and splattered on the dirt covered ground. The air was surrounding me soothingly and I surrendered from my job to let the air take me over.

I got the kerosene from the back of the car, I parked not too far away and dispersed it all over the body and surrounding grass. I grabbed some fire wood from the woods near and made a sort of "t-pee."
I dug my hand around in my right pocket which was full of items and pulled out the thin cardboard feeling one. I pulled off a match and flicked it to life.

The fire was going rapidly, making a burst a flame as it thrived. The warmth felt nice battling the cool air now. I watched deep into the flames as it sucked up the body, devouring every last follicle.

I reviewed my alibi with myself, we were just camping out and the garbage fell from the tree, a bear picked up the cent and angrily tore through our tent, being a light sleeper I got out of there, but for him, I can't say he made it. I ran as fast as I could to the car, and went to get help. When i got back he was gone and the tent was trashed. I sighed, know how long this would take. I ran my sweaty palms through my hair trying not to stress myself out too much.