The stars explode in the midnight sky.
As strange as it sounds that's fact.
No lie!
The wonders of the world,
there seven, there are!
Theres mountains and sites
of wonders to see.
...but what about me?
Color me blue
Color me black,
but no wonder ill ever be
Hello, It's Hiruma fangirl. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am working on those fanfics that TrinityLight told you about, I've just had a lot going on right now, but they will be out soon!
WOOOT. this is an entry from my master, pilar. XD i love it isnt it amazin?? god these entrys are relle great well leave comments here!!

Anywho i have another entry by DAfeather. So lets give it up fer her XD sorry im being weird i think its all the altoids and chcolate ive been eating haha. But this entry is kool so comment here!!!

Alright. Hi everyone XD
I was just wondering how should i get this world more active i dont like having worlds that dont get a lot of...attention =]
I was talking with Hiruma Fangirl and she said that shes going to post her fanfics so i hope your all excited to read that when she gets it up. yeah anyways The contest is still going and im still waiting on some enteries. i think i might end it week maybe im not sure. Deffinatly before shcool starts for me tho.
Umm...i havnt been reading it alot but i hope to as in eyeshield. Well yup. See ya around everyone!