Black, white... combination of those are the combination of our dreams. Dreams that one day we shall win this ever lasting darkness and keep the balance of the world as it is.

This is the world dedicated to Bleach and everything that follows around it.

Filler inside a filler?

Bleach may become one of the first animes that have a filler episode INSIDE a filler season!!
Well that makes no sense, but let's just put it this way. In the preview of the last episode it was showed that actually there will be scenes and plot which has nothing to do with what is going now on inside that season.
Everyone would like to see what really happened to captains there and how did they survived and what are the actions of Kageroza... But instead they put everything in the real world and add some hollows and I ask myself "What are they now doing in these times of need"!

But actually on the good side, I read the names of the next five episodes that will come out (whenever you want, you can go on wikipedia and find the list of episodes and actual the names of the series that are just combing out).

So all in all, it seems that in the next episode Nozomi will find hers zanpaktou (wow, how important xD) and then some most evil and strongest reigai will come to the Real world and after that Genrusay will want to kill Nozomi because that's his decision and at the end it was written that Ichigo's powers will drop even more.

So yeah, all in all that's it!^^ It will be more I think about 6-7 episodes of this season and then the original one will begin it's trip (hopefully...).

Bleach movie 4 OST

I just listened to Bleach movie 4 soundtrack and I wanted to share it with you guys here!^^ Apparently OST for that movie came out before the movie came out on DVD, which is interesting... But better for us! :D
I mean, we get to listen to that awesome soundtrack before the movie, so we can prepare for it.
So a small review for the soundtrack, it is pretty good! End of story!! Well actually half of the tracks there are rearranged and remixed versions of the already made tracks for Bleach. Main difference that they make, is to usually add the better, more natural instrumental cover of it AND they add chorus and opera singing to almost EVERY track there. Seriously half, or more than half of the songs have chorus. That's some epic stuff, if you ask me, because by now only like 3-4 of the tracks had vocals, yet alone chorus in the every soundtrack. And the soundtracks is made to give the feeling of hell, where there are songs named like "Lucifer's dance" or "Fallen Angels", "Incantation" and so on...

Click HERE if you want to download the soundtrack and have fun listening to it!^^

So many things had happened

~Hello everyone!~ Not sure too much because of the title, but thankfully Tite Kubo is much better now. We can see that, because there was a manga that came out last week and I hope that the next one will come too tomorrow. ...

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LOL, Ichigo has some problems

I was just watching some funny Bleach videos, and then I found this. Lol, this is so funny for some reason. I don't know, it doesn't really look, but it's pretty hilarious. xD

Lol, count how many times Rukia says Pickle. xD

299.99, the prologue of the movie

Hello everyone! As you may notice or maybe not, a new episode has come out. And guess what! It is a filler! Hurray, or maybe not. It depends. Fillers aren't bad. The only bad thing about them is that they are set in between the episodes that we ar...

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