November 29th :: Female :: Sagittarius
'Ello, and welcome. I'm a girl who is into many things and many fandoms. I draw a lot- art is a big part of my life. I make wallpapers and sometimes cards, though that part is a work in progress. I do also like to write and roleplay on forums. I'm in the U.S., and that's about all you need to know about where I live. *cough*
I have a tumblr, but be warned, it's very messy over there.
I do have a skype, but I'm not giving it out to just anyone. I know, I know, so many people want it. Aren't I just so famous and loved by everyone? *dramatic hair flip*
Anyway, this is a world where I post stuff and things. Yaaay. Have fun.
It's August! Yay!
I think it is! 
Hehe. Well yes! Here is a post!
I am back, my friendies! *pets pumpkin cat for no reason*
I'm so excited! Tomorrow is Halloween! Today, though, we get to do some last minute Halloween shopping and grocery shopping. x.x save me now.
I'm so friggin tired.
Also, new theme! If you didn't notice. Roflderp. *shot* "orz
Anyway, on to other things, I feel terrible for leaving without notice for so long. It's been so many months. 
I just started back on here the day before yesterday. I was expecting theO to have changed a lot, but it hasn't. I was completely surprised. o.o
I was ragefacing for awhile, cause I was watching Gurren Lagann and the episode I was on broke right before it ended. D':<
But then I was like, whatever, I don't think it matters. I mean, it wasn't RIGHT before it ended, but yeah.
Anyway, Hi thar! 8D
And also, oh my god. I have been waiting for this banner on gaiaonline for almost 4 days now, I think. I can't rush her cause in the rules of her thread it says don't rush her, but I can atleast get frustrated. I do suppose its free though. 'orz SIGH Also shes offline whenever I'm on, which is like, most of the day ;A;
I suppose I should start working on some wallies....Wish me luck.
P.S sorry about that rant there :P
I tried to post a challenge 2 times BUT I KEPT MESSING UP THE NAMES so i gave up. I'm still frustrated though. SIGH
But ohwellz, I'll go and listen to sum happeh musicz.
Or sad...And happy...o.o
Hey! I'm so sorry! I haven't been on TheO in forever! oAo
If anyone is even reading this, I'm back for now. Though I'm going to be really busy for the next week, probably more, I'm going to try my best to keep up now!
There has been a lot going on, and I pretty much forgot about this place. It's rather personal, so I'd rather not explain...But hey, we're moving! Woohoo.
I suppose this is like a new start for me on here, but I still know all the people I knew before.
And hey, TheO is kinda getting a new start too, with how much it's changed! o3o
Anyway, everyone, I'm back for now! I'm sorry I never warned you before I left, please fogive me and my sudden leaving, if anyone is even going to read this.
Sorry about the post yesterday, I was bein emoz
I guess getting sick like 5 times in a row kinda gets you bummed out
But, oh wellz.
Hi :3
I can't wait for the new ep of Ghost Adventures todaaayyy, eeeeeee
Thanks for the comment, Lin, Sax :3
And heeeeyyy Lin, long time no see XD *waves*
*pets kitten, even though she doesnt have one*
I am sooo booorreeeedddd :D