since my fite wid bluhart i havent ben posting alota thingz cuz my mind was on my fite andit still is and now im depressed i wish shed see the light she really needz needz 2 and i need 2 learn 2 my big mouth shut! and iv tried 2 guide her but shes always pushing her frieends away and i kno shez done it 2 sum of u 2 and im srry if she hurt any of you.....but i wish i culd change the way she lookz at life not all of her poetry was so dark and evil it used bout her finding her place in life and if u ask her im sure shell tell u bout them,but she lost them wen she moved here(montana)and im srry 4 any pain shez inflicted on u!
she jus wont listen 2 me nemore.....
a state of Darkness