Quotes from famous people, friends, chat room, anime, mangas and video-games.
- Created By Yaone
New world title:
...yes I've change it.
"World of phrases" will be "world of quotes".
You may notice I love reading someones quotes, but in anime and video-games have interesting quotes too.
Phrase of the moment:
"I really don't understand fashion...5 years ago Geeks were the worse dressed people, now is fashion OUR glasses, OUR clothes and OUR life-style like playing video-games with friends."
My "GREAT" friend Karol :-)
Ramdom Video-games quotes:
I believe there was a book that claimed the world was created in seven days. Best-seller too!
~Warren Vidic in Assassin's Creed I
They say that there is no medicine that can cure a fool... I guess that's true.
~Potion shop's old woman in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Lady: I see. Maybe somewhere out there even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one. Don't you think?
Dante: Maybe.
Lady: Are you crying?
Dante: It's only the rain.
Lady: The rain already stopped.
Dante: Devils never cry.
Devil May Cry.
Unfortunately, killing is just one of those things that gets easier the more you do it.
~Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid
Too much hope is the opposite of despair... An overpowering love may consume you in the end.
~Vincent in Final Fantasy VII
[the Prince and Farah enter a corridor, Farah sees a crack in the wall]
Farah: Look, a crack!
Prince: Wait. Let's see where this corridor leads.
[they turn a corner and see that the hall is filled with traps]
Prince: All right, you can take the crack.
~Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
Ramdom quotes:
Television has brought back murder into the home - where it belongs.
Alfred Hitchcock
If you cannot convince them, confuse them.
Harry S Truman
No matter what a woman looks like, if she's confident, she's sexy.
Paris Hilton
You see it, but do not observe.
Sir Arthur COnan Doyle
A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?
Albert Einstein
May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.
Frank Sinatra
Music, even in situations of the greatest horror, should never be painful to the ear but should flatter and charm it, and thereby always remain music.”
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Phrase of the moment:
My teacher, about google:
"Google is awesome, if you miswrite something, he says: you mean..."