Quotes from famous people, friends, chat room, anime, mangas and video-games.

Phrase of the moment: very funny.

Me and my friends at a video shop. One of them stops and says:

"Bruce Lee, Jet Li...are they relatives?"

Phrase of the moment: very funny.

"Who's that Pokémon?

External Image

A. Pikaone
B. 'Pikatwo'
C. Pikatree"

by someone who don't want to post his name here.....

Phrase of the moment:

My friend and I playing Assassin's Creed:

Karol: This cape must cover Ezio's weapons.
Cape description: The cape is only cosmetic.
We: -.-'

If you wanna do College...

...follow my friend's advice:

"On college, even if it is the first time you make it, you must act like you did it on your hole life."