Wow, time sure flies so fast. And this image is a proof of it. It has also been so long since I last updated here. I haven't been that creative myself, since the school buzz. Anyway, back to the image.
I had loved the story of this manga. For those who don't know the title it is, Kaichou wa maid-sama! It is about Misaki Ayuzawa, the student council president, the tough and feared student, due to her strict leader ship. As to other stories, the twist is, she is also a cafe host. And for her to maintain that strict and feared yet followed president, she has to keep her part time job a secret. But what happens if, the most sought after student of Seika, Usui Takumi, found her secret? It's a whirlwind of laughter, romance and life.
I recommend this manga, for those who hasn't read it yet. It's way better than the anime. Though the anime mostly follows it's story.
All rights reserved to Lyra for the image.
It's time to have fun.

College Days starts now. It's time to be free of circuits and computations to be able to celebrate the experience of engineering competition.
We've been preparing for this for about 2 weeks, to think that it was just after the major exams >whosh, a lot of thinking and time management<.
Now that preparations are over its time to rip our hard work.
One of the major highlights of our celebration is the exhibit, wherein each major tries to outshine each other.
Since I'm still at home I'll share with you the things that we have, not as a whole still documenting them.

>kuya (aniki, nii-chan, brother) what are you trying to do, I'm taking Iron man's helmet, HUMPH!<
Iron man is used to decorate the projector that would be used to present our project about reversing global warming >though the theme might be so cliche, come one, let's face reality, global warming has seriously taken over us and now the earth is so warm that it affects our daily routine. another thing that made this project so cliche about the Philippine economy. 
>the main project i'm not able to cover up because of the different things that is assigned to us<

So its time to work. aha. its not about the work that one is having fun in doing it, but its about the people who do the work with you that makes it one heck of an experience.
My life revolved around circuits (capacitors, resistors, transistors, mosfets and others). haven't changed since, who knows who... 

well this is one of our experiments in our laboratory class, this things are the sole reason why i can't do much of my stuffs,>why complain, when you chose this path, duh?!<.
Studying is fun specially when we learn how things work and be part of that world. I love seeing such outputs. In here we are generating the desired amplitude for the AM signal, rotating some knobs and pushing some buttons. lab classes are fun than the lecture, >one tends to get rather sleepy or drift out of reality. It sucks specially when your classmates caught you. not even your prof cause they don't really mind, as long as you perform well in their classes.<. 
"Another day, another beginning and another day to reestablish ones self."
So practically this is how my life works during the day and night.
Workbooks here, workbooks there, reading, reading, solving and solving.
>can't i get some rest?<
>guess not!<

I have this kind of set up because I am trying to do multiple things at the same time >don't know if it is just me, but it works! Aha, lucky me.<. Got theotaku on my pc, reading materials all over my bed and some notes. >good thing I still enjoy school, no matter how many work they throw at us.<
(just a random thought. having a break from piles of work)
(still have a lot of other non-school related stuffs that i haven't done. and i am doing them way too late. oh no! please spare me some time to do them!)
.well this is life.

getting a little miffed with the last online test.
>ahaha, i am at school yet i'm doing this sort of stuff, guys DON'T try this out!
haven't posted anything yet due to school reasons and ever since it has started, haven't done any progress with may stuffs. I hate it. school thing is way to time consuming. going to school early in the morning then going home rather really late. ah, all i can do at home is sleep, cause that is the only time allotted when i got home.
stealing sometime for this, cause i'll be spending 4 hours doing nothing for a laboratory