
Here's another problem that many writers have trouble with: what happens in what order. In this case, I usuallly make myself a little timeline.

This works best on a computer, since you can even add things in between, and even cut and paste parts. If for some reason you can't (and who on earth knows why?) then you might be able to use notecards, which are also pretty handy (you should probably find away to color code them or something if there too many, so you don't get confused from it all).

Each bit of the timeline doesn't have to be brewing with tons of detail, only the things that are signifigant to the story. This way, you can try to figure out if it makes sense by putting the whole series of events before your eyes. If one event seems not to fit, either move it, edit it, remove it, or replace it, whichever you feel is necessary. It's key to remember that no matter how good you think an event is, if it's not really improtant and you can't seem to fit in in properly, you usually have to take it out--but don't worry, if you keep writing, you can find a place for it SOMEWHERE if you just have to use it. :)

Here's more animusic! It's a bit more mellow than the others, so just sit back and enjoy a small dream or something...:)
