Hater vs. Lover

I hate vidoe games. I hate everything about them. I never can get used to twisiting a joystick around while my palms sweat. I hate the controls with all the buttons that are impossable to get just the right combinations on. I hate the ones where you jump around and mime things like a drunken idiot. And yet, I play them. Mario, Final Fantasy, Sims, even Grand Theft Auto and World of Warcraft.

Why do I spend all my time in this geeks domain when I could be out doing other things? My boyfriend is a gamer.

So, when the big Halo 3 tournament was announced, I went ahead and signed up. It was like football, or horse-racing. I really didn't care, except that he did. I loved him, he loved games, so be it.

He won that night, and I was there to watch him. I was there to cheer him on, I was there to give him a victory kiss. If he was a geek, at least he was the king of geeks.

His prize was a gift card to a gamestop. I went with him. Maybe we could get something I was actually good at. Whatever it was, if it made him happy, Game on.
