Justin and Eva

I watched as Justin glanced at his watch again. “Stop that.” I said. “Time is still passing, and you can’t make it go any slower by watching it.”
He grinned sheepishly, his teeth glinting in the moonlight that came over my shoulder. “I know, but I just don’t want you to go. The thought of having to say goodbye makes me nervous.”
I put my hand over his. And began undoing the clasp on his stupid watch. “Don’t be nervous.” I said. “We’re not really saying goodbye, just, ‘see you later’.”
I finally got the watch off and I heard him sigh as I turned to put it on the night table beside me. As I turned to reposition myself on the bed, he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into his embrace. “Does is have to be so much later? I’m gonna miss you, Eva.”
I wanted to cling to him like a child, and weeping tell him how much I would miss him too, but I didn’t. I steeled myself, curled into his embrace, with my hands against his firm chest and said. “We knew it would be like this. College, adventure, life outside this little town. It was always part of the plan for me. You knew and you chose not to come.” I tried to keep my voice from sounding like an accusation and it came out flat, emotionless.
“I didn’t know it would hurt this much.” He whispered. I could no longer hold back my tears. “O, baby, I’m sorry.” He said, and turned me so that my back was to his chest. I curled into a ball in his lap and let him fold himself around me. He nuzzled my neck, and I turned my head as he ran his lips along my jaw line. Tears stained my shirt, but I couldn’t tell if they were mine or his.
Finally he pulled away and asked, “Eva, you know we’ve been training a lot. Do you think you can let me in? I promise I won’t hurt you.” I nodded and gulped. He reached out, putting his palms on my temples as he closed his eyes. I slowly opened my mind to him. Allowing him to share every sensation and emotion. I gasped as his consciousness flooded over me. I felt his fear at losing me. His longing to make me truly his, and the love that I had always known was there, but had never felt so strongly before.
Once our minds were linked he let go and leaned forward, his eyes blazing in the moonlight. I did my best to smile up at him. I opened my mouth to comfort him but before I could speak his lips were on mine, sucking out all the words and replacing them with calming reassurance.
As his desire grew stronger, I tore myself away, panting. Once I’d caught my breath I said, “Wow. You really are hungry. I get it now.”
He grinned sheepishly. I want to, Eva. But I’m scared, I don’t want to hurt you.
“Don’t be scared.” I whispered.
“You’re scared, too.” He stated, stroking my hair.
I grinned into the darkness. It was so much easier without secrets. “A little.”
As fast as lightning his head moved to my shoulder and his teeth were digging into my flesh. I had always known Justin was a biter, but this wasn’t what I had imagined. He like a predator, gloating over his prey, but at the same time he was gentle, going slowly, gauging my reaction, making sure he didn’t cross any lines.
I tried not to wince, but frankly, it hurt. When he felt me shudder he jumped back and surveyed my face.
I reasserted that I was fine. Then yawned. “Justin, I’m… I’m tired.” I stammered.
In one smooth motion he leapt up and planted himself, crouching, on the iron footing of my bed, stationing himself like a strange gargoyle. “Then you sleep, Eva. You’ll need your strength.”
I lay back. Hardly able to resist his suggestion. “What about tomorrow?” I murmured. “Will I see you then?”
He chuckled softly. “You know I hate goodbyes, Eva. But if you need me, I’ll be around. I give you my word.” And with that I fell asleep.
I awoke the next day alone, with a bruise on my shoulder. There was no note on my pillow, no message on my phone. But there was the watch on my bed-side table, and the knowledge that somewhere, never too far away, was my earthly guardian, my unofficial boyfriend, and that no matter the time he would be there to talk to me, to hold me, to keep away the darkness of my mind.

OK, Tell me what you think! Be brutally honest! I need all the tips I can get.
