The Night Was Dark and Murky...

This was written from a prompt on another site. This is my first ever attempt at horrer. So, PLEASE crituque!!!!!

The night was dark, and murky like old pond water. There was no wind, only tiny shuffling noises in the dark. The cold stone against her back was the only thing that seemed real.

"Is anybody there?" she called. Her voice sounded strange and flat in the emptiness. No one replied. The shifting sounds continued to echo from random places, some far, some near.

She began to wonder if this was a natural night. It seemed like it had lasted too long. This alley had seemed safe enough to sleep in when she'd first arrived, but now it felt like a trap. She was afraid to sleep, afraid to stay, and afraid to leave. She tried to think, but would up simply staring into the void, wondering if the opposite wall was still there, and what the noises could mean.

Then, there was a loud scrape beside her, she cried out, then gave a whining moan as she felt the touch of cold, damp skin crawl up her shoulder, then around her feet. She didn't move, simply whined like a beaten dog and half sat, half lay there shivering. The air seemed thick around her, so that she could hardly breathe. The clammy touch spread with a seemingly inhuman slownes and violation.

Then a voice siad "I won't hurt you." It was a soothing phrase, but the voice was deep, and scratchy, with a hint of something wrong in it, as if the speaker hadn't used his voice for many, many years. It filed her with a dread, but it was to late to move now.

The cold, clammines crawled around her throught and worked its way down, as if she were wearing no clothes at all, holding her by some untangible force. Then the chill reached her face and head. She let out one finall scream before giving into the murky darkness, her only escape from an unknown fate.
