Welcome to the randomness of weweameme's FAVORITE pokemon, Umbreon!!!!!!!!!!! Now, this is the time that you see stuff, and most UNlikley will like it! Its a bit small though, now... SO, PLEASE THIGN ABOUT HOW I don't FEEL!!!

Moon Light

(This is being sighn putting! WILL update! When finished, there will be cookies for all!) TYPE(s): Moon Light...

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Pokemon Black

So, I've allways wanted a DS, and, now, I also want Pokemon Black! I hasn't seen most of the 5th genoration pokemon, but, I hope I do get to see some, soon! Yeh, Im weird like that to put this thingy here, lol. Wuv Pokemon! ...

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The guide to Ultimate Umbreon

This, here is the First Guide to Ulitimate Umbreon. If you see a title in BOLD PRINT, or, Underlined, you know that that is a begining of a new chapter. If you see some spoiler text,(Spoiler te...

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