Welcome to the randomness of weweameme's FAVORITE pokemon, Umbreon!!!!!!!!!!! Now, this is the time that you see stuff, and most UNlikley will like it! Its a bit small though, now... SO, PLEASE THIGN ABOUT HOW I don't FEEL!!!
- Created By weweameme
Moon Light
(This is being sighn putting! WILL update! When finished, there will be cookies for all!) TYPE(s): Moon Light...Pokemon Black
So, I've allways wanted a DS, and, now, I also want Pokemon Black! I hasn't seen most of the 5th genoration pokemon, but, I hope I do get to see some, soon! Yeh, Im weird like that to put this thingy here, lol. Wuv Pokemon! ...The guide to Ultimate Umbreon
This, here is the First Guide to Ulitimate Umbreon. If you see a title in BOLD PRINT, or, Underlined, you know that that is a begining of a new chapter. If you see some spoiler text,(Spoiler te...End