Moon Light

Chapter 2

I looked up, into the stars. It had been a year sence mother died. The air was thick with pollution, because of the humans that brought their buildings here. The thick smoke coming out of a fairly large one was makeing the area filled with smoke, makeing it hard to breath.

I sighed, this wasn't the frst building I've seen that made so much smoke. I've seen others, and, I've seen the monsters that tore up land for the buildings to be put on. Clearings, that where man-made, was bound to have smoke in them, thats what I've allways known.

As I trotted down to the lake, I heard a small pokemon bellow. It shouted "Come and get me! Hah! I could run away from you, all day long, with my eyes CLOSED!" I saw two humans runing twords where I heard the voice. Then, the pokemon was reveiled; it was about 2'17" tall, and, it had yellow spikes runing all along it's body. It also had two spikey, pointed ears.

It dashed twords me, clearly not noticeing me. I held my breath as I waited for the impact. But, it never came...