New Music

I found an artist I like today: Ferras.

I also discovered an app for my cell phone that is pretty cool. It's called "Song ID". What it does is it listens to the phone's microphone for ten seconds and then sends the audio clip over the cell towers to a server somewhere that analyzes it and returns the title, artist, and album the song is from. It's a neat little feature. On a Verizon phone, you can get it by pressing the right direction key, Get Tunes & Tones, Get New, Get New, VCAST Song ID, Unlimited - FREE.

Well, I started cleaning my room today. I didn't get very far at all. :( I really need money so I can buy things.

I was looking at monitors today and discovered that I was going to pay about $30 more to gain an inch of monitor and loose 1000:1 contrast ratio compared to a monitor I found today. I can get a 19" monitor with a 1650x1050 resolution and a 2000:1 contrast ratio for $30 less than the monitor I had been looking at, and even then with free shipping! This is the monitor I will be buying soon.

I dropped one of those mirrors that are something like three feet long by a foot wide and broke it. Oops.


I'm a pretty big MacGuyver fan. In case somebody doesn't know that show, the main character, MacGuyver, tends to use everyday objects in extraordinary ways to solve whatever problem he is facing.

Well, I just had a MacGuyver moment. I have a huge cut on my index finger that hurts to bend a lot. However, I have a pair of gloves that manage to keep it pretty steady without majorly limiting mobility or making my fingers the size of my head. The only problem is that I'm using a laptop with a touchpad and the gloves aren't conductive, so I can't easily control the mouse.

So I made a prototype thing. All it is: a couple pieces of foil, a short length of wire, some plastic wrap, and a lot of tape. What does it get me? A wristband electrode and a finger electrode that have continuity. This solves the control problem, but it doesn't look very nice and it makes it slightly harder to type, but IT WORKS!

The question everyone must be asking: Couldn't you have just gotten a mouse? Or perhaps, Couldn't you just live with the pain?
My answer: Sure, but that's a lot less cool.

Musings on Information Assurance

As you are probably aware, I'm an IT student who likes to test the waters when it comes to technology policies at my school. Recently, this has been by setting up a secure shell server on my recently built linux server. Today, I tried to ac...

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An Idea

I'm interested in creating a "story blog", if you will. What will happen is I will write the first part, and anyone who chooses to join in can then write a portion, and someone else another, and so on and so forth until it is a large work. I'd like to see where it starts and where it ends up and how the voices of the individual authors work into the story.

If anyone is interested, I'll give more information.

The New TheO

I miss HTML. That's about all I have to say about the new TheO blogging system. HTML is endlessly useful. What does this thing do? I don't know! That's why I tried it!...

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