Hi everybody!!! I'm Riyu and umm...well...I'm 15 yrs old..and I LUV BeForU lol so I'm kinda confused on thw whole Vibernt Version here (I was grounded from the comp when it finally came) so if anyone wants 2 help me...HELP!!!!! So..um...heres a BeForU video at the 2007 live concert
- Created By xXRiyuXx
So, It's been a while again. Not a whole lot to day, so I'll just tell you whats happened between now and my last post:
(In no particular order)
. Started Junior year,
. Ended Junior year.
. Beat Kingdom Hearts 2.
. Had my first kiss.
. Went to the best homecoming dance of my life.
. Boy friend moved over a thousand miles away.
. Fell in love for the first time.
. Broke up with my boy friend cause of the distance. (mutual decision)
. Had a broken heart for the first time.
. Got my hair cut like Hayley Williams from Paramore.
. Bought the new Paramore CD.
. Got better at my drawing.
. Started teaching myself the guitar.
. Started to write music.
. Got a wii.
. Cried for the longest time in my life. (Cause of boy friend)
. Got a camera.
. Saw New Moon.
. Saw Toy Story 3.
. Caught a cold.
. Went swimming with my friend.
. Made s mores.
. Failed two of my finals... And surprisingly, they only brought me down half a grade.
And thats all I can think of right now. So yeah, had a bit of a rough year, but I made it through. This up coming school year better be the best school year OF MY LIFE. So, I'm gonna post pictures up soon, maybe even some music.
Hopefully I'll talk to ya guys soon!!!
Hiya there!!!
Wowzers, its been a while!!!
So, not a whole lot has happened, I'n not that into Japanese music anymore. Meh favorite band ish Paramore, (their amazin')
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I have a boyfriend. His name ish Max, and we met trough meh best friend, Julia
and I'm planning on posting up some new pics, so watch out for them..
so, I have nothing else to say...I might update...I might not...which ever
hi peeps...so yesterday we got our report cards...I got a B a B+ a C, another C and 2 A's. and um...my bf dumped me...again...and it sux cause I still like him and he dosent like me anymore and yesterday I went 2 my friend's 15th b-day party...there was only 4 ppl there (including me) and one left at mid-night so then it was 3 ppl, and them another had 2 leave at 9 something in the morning so it was only me and my friend
lol most of the tome we played Sing Star. it was FUN!! lol my friend said that if my ex heard me sing he'd ask me back out...but if he did I'd say no, I gave him a 2nd chance
So I will post l8r