Stuff...u STUFF..stuff
- Created By Carbon Frost
hoorayzz for the new software!!
MY GOD .... i luv this program
its soooooo much more fun then photoshop...although photoshop has some badass cutting edge tools but painter is just the best for painting.
i still remember 2 months bak when i read ppl talk about how painter has a lil more potential in painting rather than photoshop... but the main reason [LIKE "T.H.E. R.E.A.S.O.N." ] that i got this software was when i came to know that my top Fav artist "Hyung Tae Kim" uses this software.. so i thought of trying it out and this is just wow..
im not saying that the same feel cannot be achieved in photoshop, it can be.
all im saying is im having alot of fun in this program than i would have in photoshop.
so yea thats all!!
Quiz Time
A little quiz!
You have to answer each question truthfully.
Here we go!
What's your name?
-baka oyaji
Favorite band(s)/singer(s)?
-pendulum, celldweller, blue stahli, voicians, BT, hollywood undead, framing hanley, blood stain child,
skillet.....and....uh..... dont remember!! -_-!!
Favorite anime?
-"yelling DBZ style" @_@ it over 9000 ...argggggggggg.....and still counting -_-!!
Favorite T.V show (not anime)?
-by favorite if u mean a show that u wont miss for anything... then theres none [for anime i'll miss anything] :p
Favorite manga?
-none ... i have read quite some mangas but yeah none are my fav!!
Favorite Book/series?
-not exactly a fan of reading!!
Favorite Videogames?
- "it is still over 9000" XD and still counting!! :p
Do you have a pet? What is it? What is it's name? Nickname? Breed?
-umm no..
Who do you live with?
-parents and a annoying brother who thinks hes the king of the world!!
Got and brothers? Sisters?
-yep one brother....although i wish i had a sister too [coz its always like that ...u know the importance of ones that u dont have]
Where do you live?
-on earth in a place called India
Do you go to school?
Where do you go to school?
- my dad was in army he kept getting posted every few yrs so iv studied at 6 different schools
-K. hearts school in Jammu - 3 yrs
-army school in jammu - 1 yr
-army school in andhra predesh - 5 yrs
-army school in ferozpur - 1 yr
-K.V. school in faridkot - 2 yrs
-K.V. school in bathinda - 2 yrs
i think the huge part of easy depression and lonliness comes from this fact that i lost really good frnds so many times!! :/
Are you in a relationship?
Do you wish you were?
-its a 50-50 balance so yes and no.... XD
What's your favorite food?
-anything that has noodles and egges in it!! :p
What's your favorite animal(s)?
-cats and dogs
btw i read it from somewhere -
DOG to its owner - this person feeds me, loves me, takes care of me, gave me a home . this persone must be god..
[dogs personality - loyal]
CAT to its owner - this person feeds me, loves me, takes care of me, gave me a home . i must be god..
[cats personality - manipulative]
Do you have more than one account on the otaku?
Did you ever have a account but erased it before this one?
-hmmmm... no
what was your username?
-Carbon Ace
Do you have a lot of friends on theO?
-not really i have a few but good frnds !! :]
Do you like how your life is going?
-again it a 50-50 balance i like somethings and i dont like somethings!!
If you could go back in time would you?
-to only relive the momories - yes
-to change something - no
Do you do something that you and/or others wish you didn't do?
-maybe.. idk.. i cant remember but i guess i have!!
Do you usually talk to others when your upset?
-sometime yes
Are you kind?
-this question shuld be for others to answer [uknow maybe a survey about ur frnds?? idk]...but even if i say "yes im kind" will u "J.U.S.T." believe it??
Are you funny?
-umm yea ..i guess........ my jokes dont work on everyone u see.. XD
Forgot to ask this before! When is your Birthday?
-"17th April"...i guess in other countries they say it like "April 17th"
Wish someone should just go away?
Do you like to draw?
-i love to draw
What's your hobbies?
-Art is life, music is soul, anime is love.
What colour is you hair?
Eye colour?
-Dark brown
Got any piercing?
-nup... i wonder if they are cool to have ??
Do you have ratios? Stuff like that?
-do i have what?? u mean 1:2 ratio?? O.o?? -_-??
Do you wear fake eyelashes?
-O.o im a guy.... but then again idk if guys do that ... i dont O.O
Fake nails?
Do you have long nails?
-i like to keep them short
What hollowed costumes have you worn?
- i haven't worn any costumes in my life..
Did you enjoy the quiz?
Would you want a part 2nd the quiz?
- if there are no reapet question
hanawa, AlexaClyne, kisskiss-bangbang, rosel D, Xxpicklejuice01xX, SarahPatricia
Jay Chou
i dont really understand the lyrics they say its Mandarin ...but its quite cool and a lil funny