Welcome to my world!~ To start things off, a few things about me!~ :D

Name: Xenesis Marie Anotinette Abdul Zabeeb
Age: 1,313
Sex: Guess :P
dA: Xenesis13~~
Gaia: Ai-Reita-kun
Twitter: GilbertASDF
Tumblr: Xenesis13~

-I can't speak any other language except English.......(Though I'm working on Japanese >w< So far I can read most hiragana, and a few kanji...)
Recent quote(s) that I love :
And I have a minor case of Achluophobia/Nyctophobia, which is fear of the dark.
Current Theme Song: ???

-Fav Bands: Dir en grey~, My Chemical Romance, The GazettE, Mindless Self Indulgence, D=Out (Dauto), Miyavi, Malice Mizer, X Japan,LeATHERMØUTH, the Misfits <3, UnsraW,
Skrillex and on rare occasions, Gackt (CLICK TEH LINKS IF YOU DARE)

-Anime/Manga: DEATH NOTE, InuYasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto o-e;;, Bakuman, Hikaru No Go, Hetalia: Axis Powers/World Series, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Guilty Crown, and that's it |D

-Hates: DESU DESU YO, centipedes, saying the "s" in Illinois, iTunes, Gackt (sometimes), repetition, lectures, Illinois, boredom, politics, people only liking Invader Zim for Gir; "OMG GIR'S SO KAWAII DESU DESU!!!!1!!!@ONE!", Jersey Shore, fears of spider/bees/wasps unless you're allergic, time zones, not being able to help a friend, when bands I love disband, being depressed

- VGs: Kingdom Hearts, Batman, Pokemon: SS, The Sims2, Final Fantasy IV, Pokemon: Diamond, Pokemon: Black, Pokemon: Emerald, Pokeymanz: FireRed, Assassin's Creed

im not scared easily, but this.........

i saw a video of the catastrophe that happened 8 years ago........... it was pretty scary............... and im not scared easily...........O____O'
A moment of silence for the people who died on 9/11/01.......................................................................................................................................................
one guy said that was cool, so me and a friend asked him why, and almost hit him for that, cuz Americans dying cuz of terrorist attacks is NOT COOL!!!!!!!D:<

ugh..........i cant type today..............and THE CURSE STRUCK AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IT BROKE MY AMEYTHIST ARROWHEAD THAT I GOT ON A MOUNTAIN IN COLORADO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOW ITS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(actually, a friend of mine broke it on accident, but that still counts....) i cant believe that broke..........
and it's almost Saturday, almost time to go watch some Tokio Hotel videos on the library computer!!!!!!!!!!!got to remember to thank Angelofpurity for that, and a awesome commment to say if any1 tries to watch it besides me...>:DDD
and does some1 know a good pic of BB that i can go onto w/o going thru parentel controls????????O___o'


this wallie i found on here is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD

but sadly i still cant go onto tokiohotel.com............
and i can go to the library on SATURDAY
only 1 more day till i can watch videos and read Tom's blog!!!!!!!!!!(and leave comments as Mizore!XP )
and on a Monday a few weeks ago we had to take a detour right? well, on the detour, the bus hit a bump that made everyone go up in the air 2 inches or higher!!!!even my backpack did and it weighs i dont know how much!!!!!!!!!!also, i think it killed my brain........X____X
i hope the TH curse lifts soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

videos??????????part II

so much 4 that idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!i have to wait for SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!AND TODAY IS WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DDDDDDDDDD:<
im too impatient to wait!!!!!!!and worst of all is that the thing from the stone age that im on wont let me onto certain places!!!!!!!!!!(not including the ones blocked by parental controls..............>.< )this one is worse than the one that let me on after 5 tries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
TIME FOR REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and some dinner......... -_-'


soon i might be going to the library.........there i can post some vids and watch some...............and get books!>:D
best of all is that i have a few specific ones in mind............one having to do with peanut butter jelly time and a banana.............XP
and for some reason, i suddenly remembered the first time i heard TH, but i cant remember the name of the song!!!!!!!!!!! FAIL.

the curse strikes again!!!!O_____O'

eating:some sort of sucker
looks like the Tokio Hotel curse struck again...........on this comp thats as old as me (now im on a different one) its so old that i cant go onto tokiohotel.com!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i dont think it plays videos.................. ._.'
but there's always the library and random public computers!!!!!!!!!>:D
and school's tomorrow........I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: