Welcome to my world!~ To start things off, a few things about me!~ :D

Name: Xenesis Marie Anotinette Abdul Zabeeb
Age: 1,313
Sex: Guess :P
dA: Xenesis13~~
Gaia: Ai-Reita-kun
Twitter: GilbertASDF
Tumblr: Xenesis13~

-I can't speak any other language except English.......(Though I'm working on Japanese >w< So far I can read most hiragana, and a few kanji...)
Recent quote(s) that I love :
And I have a minor case of Achluophobia/Nyctophobia, which is fear of the dark.
Current Theme Song: ???

-Fav Bands: Dir en grey~, My Chemical Romance, The GazettE, Mindless Self Indulgence, D=Out (Dauto), Miyavi, Malice Mizer, X Japan,LeATHERMØUTH, the Misfits <3, UnsraW,
Skrillex and on rare occasions, Gackt (CLICK TEH LINKS IF YOU DARE)

-Anime/Manga: DEATH NOTE, InuYasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto o-e;;, Bakuman, Hikaru No Go, Hetalia: Axis Powers/World Series, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Guilty Crown, and that's it |D

-Hates: DESU DESU YO, centipedes, saying the "s" in Illinois, iTunes, Gackt (sometimes), repetition, lectures, Illinois, boredom, politics, people only liking Invader Zim for Gir; "OMG GIR'S SO KAWAII DESU DESU!!!!1!!!@ONE!", Jersey Shore, fears of spider/bees/wasps unless you're allergic, time zones, not being able to help a friend, when bands I love disband, being depressed

- VGs: Kingdom Hearts, Batman, Pokemon: SS, The Sims2, Final Fantasy IV, Pokemon: Diamond, Pokemon: Black, Pokemon: Emerald, Pokeymanz: FireRed, Assassin's Creed


mood:uh....*cant think*
listening to:white and nerdy(weird al)

kinda bored right now so.......i thought i might make a post!:D heh-white and nerdy's a pretty funny song!hmmm...so far,here's a list of my enemies/people i dont like:
1. the government(u can ask me why)
2.Sparkles the stalker centipede(why wont it go away????)
3.mr.sparkles/edward(REAL VAMPIRES DONT SPARKLE!!!!!D:<)
4.my sis(occasionally)
well....that ends that.:)

on AOL search,im looking up brown-grey centipedes to find a pic of Sparkles....so far i know that:brown centipedes are poisonous(eep!0.0'),all teh pic of centipedes are creeping me out T.T,house centipedes are supposed to have only 15 legs(sparkles has more!0_0'),you arent supposed to pick up a centipede(why would i???),and now im gonna stop before i spazz out!
well,no luck w/finding a good pic....i guess i have to take one myself...*shivers a little*T.T

wow,this is.....odd

mood:*cant describe it*
listening to:Unendlichkeit(Tokio Hotel)
i try not to post twice in the same day...but this is a bit important.
today at B&N(barnes and nobel)i got: Rosario+Vampire vol.8,and The Record of a Fallen Vampire vol.1 so far im liking Fallen Vampire..:D
and yesterday,my dad FINALLY took me to the gas station.im out of suckers now,but im chewing on some gum..so i'll live

and i now leave you with a pic(sorry if the X is a bit shaky......)


ok,i was browsing theOtaku yesterday and found this world on it:http://www.theotaku.com/worlds/anti_twilight
man im probably gonna get SO much hate mail for this but im anti-twilight
hehe-the person who made that world is a genius!!!:D

worst of all,last night my sis saw IT!!!!!!!DDDDX it went into the light socket(INSIDE the socket!!!i hope it gets electrocuted!XD)and is probably inside the walls now!!O__O

and now i leave you with the cover art for Schrei

eh...kinda bored T_T

listening to:dane cook(hes a hilarious comedian)

LOL dane cook is hilarious!!!!!!!!!i cant believe how funny he is!!!(in background:Halloween theme???????????O__o'what the..?????)lol,now i want to listen to halloween music....*switches music on iPod*

and even though i have 13 views(hehe-my lucky #!)on my world,i have almost NO comments!!!i kinda want to know if ppl are reading this!!!!!!D:


listening to:the little things give you away(Linkin Park)
as the title says,whew!i had a bit of a hard time getting on here!my sis was blocking the phone lines and i couldn't go online as a result....:(

anyway......my dad has to take me to the gas station tomorrow!why?because we're out of a few things like:chocolate syrup(for waffles and chocolate milk XD)suckers,gum,chocolate bars(hershey's to be specific)and we're almos out of milk.....0.0'
heh..this is a long post.....

since it's 10:45 PM, i have to be careful and watch my surrondings..why? because for the past week i've been being stalked by........a centipede!!!!!0__0'that thing has been in 3 rooms so far!!!!!and i've seen the exactsame centipede 4 times!!!!!!!!!:0it's accactually(sp?)really creepy!!!!!!
grrr....and now tokiohotel.com wont let me on the site!!!!!!!i'll get revenge!!!!!!!!!!!>:DDD

and is it just me or does the band look kinda happy?(yes i know it's a ancient pic..but my resources are kinda limited.....)