i was unable to post on halloween because i was grounded from the internet for "abusing the computer".......its never really worked anyway........-.-
so now im here, on the internet, with my fingerless gloves and black nails. shame i cant wear them to school because its a "gang" sign.....i hate dress codes, and school in general. but at least some of the assignments require the internet....:) so after eating a incredibly chocolatey (and tasty)brownie, im here, my hair about 5 different colors, and im typing rather slowly and i dont want to go to school...and i havent talked to kalas in a while...... *takes off gloves* and today the TH voting for the EMAs ended at 7:59 PM (its 8:39 right now) and i luckily got a few dozen votes in, but the site was in german, not english. (note, ema= European Music Awards) so im hoping they win and im hoping i will somehow be able to see the EMAs.....but i doubt it cuz A. i dont livein Europe, and B. i dont have hi-speed internet so watching it online is ruled out. hey, i just forgot about my completly random quote!!!!!:O how i did that, i dont know. but here:
"Get your facts first then you can distort them as you please."
lol, i havent done this yet, but there's always some poor person who dosent know about TH......>:}