ok, so i got 50$ from a Christmas card right?(which is a total WIN!) so i went to go get a DS game with it, My German Coach. i saw it at Best Buy a long time ago so might as well get it now right? welllll.....they didn't have it. (%^$&&%$$&%$*(^ <---- several angry mumbles...... -.- so we look again more for about an hour, dont find it, and go over to Game Stop. we look, and dont find it again. so we ask a guy, like what we did in B.B. and he looks online for it. turns out it may not exist. what i was thinking::WHAT?????*_* sooooooooo.......yea. but the weird thing is, is that i know i saw it in Best Buy. i just didnt get it taht time we went cuz i didnt own a DS back then (much to my dismay) so now i get teh pleasure of looking for it online........and if it dosent show up, im going to kill something.=.= well, not something living, but a sim or something cuz i couldnt kill another living thing. its cuz im too nice, which is either a good thing or a bad thing....no idea which. and if not i can get My Japanese Coach or The Legend of Zelda:Spirit Tracks....8D
but at least my iPod's working properly. even if it's dead, (almost dead though) i have this wall charger thing that lets me listen to it while its charging. which is an EPIC WIN!8D and im still making typos all over the place...dangit.
rants over for now, so sorry for wasting you time ^^ *bows*
*is pretty ticked right now......*