
lol no, im not going into rl rehab, but im currently on internet rehab now :3 going too long w/o going on the chat= unhappy/unemotional Xen.....not that fun too. and why am i on net rehab? cuz my stupid comps both got viruses!!!my personal comp, and the one im on now got one too, but its now cured ^^. so now i dont have to kill it or anything. my carnation is actually still alive too o.o i thought for sure i wouldve killed it by now. but its somehow still alive, and in my dark, black hole of a cave. ( ok, its not that bad, but its slightly similar to the description i gave) i also got FF3, and a translator game too!!! now i have German translation wherever i decide to bring that game, and my DS. (or remember, depends on which one u like) in art, we have to make a play for little ppls, and my whole group has major ADD moments -including me-. but in humanities ( aka, language arts) we had spelling bee beginning rounds, right? i just knew i would be up against a certain person in the final pre-finals or whatever u call the thing. (and certain person = J btw)and, well, me and J actually survived the thing. and i actually had to stand next to him, and it was pretty akward, cuz i like the guy. ._.; and i have to go up against him tomorrow _ _; and now that i have nothign more to type, i bid u all laters, and ty for letting me waste your time
