sure, they convinetly waste class time for about a week+, but right now for me, they suck. why? my wonderful doodles on both my scratch papers were taken away (during math), and my favorite necklace broke today D: its a little medicine pouch that i got in 5th grade on a field trip )= and of course, it broke in my *least* favorite subject, Science. but i found a red sharpie in there too, (the same color i lost a few dozen weeks ago O_o ) dosent even out ._. now im so mad at it e.e though yesterday, Kyu gave me a link to this awesome music vid by the Black Veil Brides :D its called Knives&Pens...
though first, a nice little (de)motivational picture, courtesy of
its so true on so many occasions...>.>
anyways, till i post next time i decide to
just when i though isats were actually good..=_=