weee~ 1:00 AM :D

Muahahahaha!!! For once, I actually have the Internet past Ten!:DDDDDD Yes, yes, a while ago I had the internet till about 1:24am, but now my parents are under the idea that one needs "sleep" >3>. And they're right... But, of course, I still stay up till about 4am anyways, and sleep till noon :D. Why? It's summer, and I would do that if I had the chance to during schooldays. In other news, iTunes is completely insane. I have a version that has mixes, (basically, just music that sounds similar, or has the same genre), and I somehow obtained four of the Genus Mixes, but...THE SAME MUSIC IS PLAYED ON ALL FOUR D8 ! Seriously, it plays MCR on; Alt Metal, Punk Pop, and sometimes Grunge. But never on Visual Rock. Well, at least so far...>w> And according to Genius, Paramore and Fall Out Boy are grunge. -3- Ahahahahahaahahahahaha, NO. They're more punk-pop.
But there's worse. I just checked the recommendations, and it wants me to get Justin Beiber DDDX. But it also wants me to get GACKT, AFI, and a few other artists, so I'm good for now. Also, I've been wanting to type a story or something on here, but I have virtually no ideas so far...So any ideas? Also, wintergreen Altoids taste like toothpaste, and cinnamon ones....I can't describe. o_O Too odd of a taste.~ So....yeah. I'm also thinking of rallying up some money, so I can get a new drawing book. And I'm getting any money from here, I mean whatever I can somehow get in RL. Which books? Either this lovely one, (which would be great to take to school XDDDDDD ) or this one, which is actually quite pretty. So yes....hard decision. I'd also appreciate if someone could leave a few comments helping with the decision.~
Also, I actually found a few music vids that scared me....and I'm not posting them. Or naming them. >w> But....a wonderful series my friends Hamza and Luke told me about, and waht's it about: (Chad is basically Darth Vader's younger brother who's the day manager in The Empire Market until a guy named Clint gets him demoted and steals his date, so now he's with the night staff. He also has a loyal follower named Jeremy.)
so far, this is my favorite episode....Weird Jimmy's great XDDD (hint: the guy who says Chad's doomed.) OwO and on that note, until next time I decide to post~ :D
