Today has not been my day D=

Ok, so let's start off with what happened!:
1. I LOST ALMOST ALL OF MY DS GAMES!!!!!!!!!!DDDD88 More than a hundred hours worth of gameplay, frusturation, and effort.....lost!
2. Creme de Menthe Altoids taste rather horrible When compared to my love of wintergreen and peppermint. >w>
3. I killed my hand in Science class today Old 1920's building+ odd spiky-thingy on door that's frequently used= hurt hand ;3;
4. My clarinet is nice and shiny :3 I's not a bad thing, but I thought I'd put that in there~ X3

So....yeah. Now my gaming is limited to two games: KH: Days, and KH:CoM. Before, however, I had Drawn to life, SimAnimals (both regular forest animals, and Africa~), Lego Batman, a Japanese Coach, FFIII, FFIV (before I lost that about a year ago X3 ), an Avatar game (NO NIGHTCRAWLER REJECTS. DX I mean the original Avatar, with Aang, Sokka, Katara, Toph, and Zuzu. >w> ), a puzzle game taht had Sudoku that I got for Xmas, and taht's it. Pretty sad, huh?
But I have a relatively good idea where I lost it; Hilander. Which means sayounara to any chances of getting back my treasure trove of games TT_______TT. Why, world, why!?!??!??!?!?! Butbutbutbutbut! I get the pleasure of calling Hilander tomorrow to see if anyone had turned it in, which I find to be really unlikely.....but it's still worth the hope that I'll be able to fight as the Joker in lego form as I'm on the bus ride to school. And to avoid a completely cheesy end to a post, I'll leave with this;
SCIENCE SUCKS. DX But only when you get hurt X3
