I find the strangest stuff while browsing through the internet o-O
1 Rank the animals below after their importance(personally)
a. cow - 4
b. tiger - 2
c. sheep - 1
d. horse - 3
e. pig - 5
2 Add a word for each of the following words to describe them(adjective or something to define them
a. dog - best friend (I know, it's really two, but... >3< )
b. cat - shy
c. rat - sneaky
d. coffee - sleepless
e. sea - beautiful
3 Write to each of the following colors the name of the person you think it represents(give names)
a. yellow - Taylor
b. orange - Skyler
c. red - Uh.....Ruki or Uruha of the GazettE (NO IDEA WHY)
d. white - Stocky |D *SHOTSHOTSHOT*
e. green - Abbey
Notes after completing(and after checking the spoiler, please do not cheat on the results):
1 ~ the order of priorities in life
a~career; b~pride; c~love; d~family; e~money
a~own personality; b~the partner's personality; c~enemies' personality; d~ personal way of interpreting love; e~own life
a~someone you'll never forget; b~someone you consider your true friend; c~someone you trully love; d~soul mate; e~someone you'll never forget/will have beautiful memories about