Interesting Wednesday.....

First of all, lemme just tell ya this. Waking up to arguing is not the best thing in the world. In fact, it almost destroyed my halfway decent mood just ten seconds into the day! So after that, I mulled around for thirty minutes being silent, and drowning out their arguing with LM.C.

It's like An Cafe, but it isn't like An Cafe at all......
So after that, I was walking down to the bus stop, and I saw some more worms. This time it was actually raining, so I took a stick and saved a few more. e3e; Then after waiting an ETERNITY, the bus finally came, and big surprise! There was a sub. So he got lost, but we arrived on time to school.

In English, we basically just talked, did a quizzler thing, and watched a video. The quizzler was the first thing, so I just filled in random squares. *should've done a checkerboard pattern...* The video wasn't very entertaining, it was on Jack London. In Math, we took an hour long test, and got a project due date extended to Friday! That brightened up my day a little. In Social Studies, we basically just read, discussed some stuff, and listened to her drone on. I basically skipped eating lunch for doing science homework. XD Science was interesting. We took a test, talked about doing an experiment for the whole school, talked about liquid nitrogen, and even graded the homework. In band, we played stuff as usual. In Spanish, we watched the Delcora eagles a little, did some homework, graded some homework, and talked about families.

The bus ride was also interesting. We started out all normal and stuff, which was INCREDIBLY unusual for the kids on my bus, who usually act like they're high on sugar. Eventually we started having fun with a camera, and got some AMAZING expressions. XDD Me and Lin ended up looking through my pics on the trip to Colorado back in '08. God, I looked so different back then. e3e; ALSO, ALSO, on the way back, I saw the same worm that I saved this morning, all shriveled up near the road. It was pretty saddening. D:
