Boredom. It's horrible. With me it usually goes something like this:
Me: "Butbutbut, I like doing that!" DD8
Brain: "........." B(
Me: "Fine......." QwQ
And that happens in a continuous cycle. So eventually I end up doing really stupid things to amuse myself. One of them includes doodling, but when/if I run out of idea, I go back to doing stupid things. Eventually, however, boredom takes it toll, so I find entertainment in means of electronics, which is sometimes short-lived. For example, taking pictures of your backyard, surfing dA, surfing Quizilla, looking for wallpapers, watching things on youtube, ect. But then, it turns to memes. Memes on deviantart are especially evil, because they're long, and they usually look fun. And there are SO MANY to choose from. If a music one pops up, you end up opening iTunes or whatever you have to listen to music. But then, if you're like me, you end up clicking on the store and getting enraged by the recommendations because they're all "GET VIDOLL AND GACKT. NAO. D8< ", and then you're over there, "LOLNO, I DISLIKE GACKT to an extent AND I'VE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF VIDOLL. YOU SPAM ME WITH THEM TOO MUCH. B( ", and get completely sidetracked instead of doing whatever the heck you were supposed to do.
This is why I can't write posts when I'm bored.
Also, on a side note, waking up to the end of Light Lights up Light (Death NOte OST ) and the beginning of Pledge by The GazettE is very weird. o^o