VERY Stressful Monday DX

As I said, today was full of action. I woke up pretty early in order to have plenty of time to goof off, so at about 6:13AM, but then I fell back asleep. e3e; Then I seriously woke up properly to Requiem by MIyavi. It was quite pretty. THen after eating waffles, I got ready. Took my meds before leaving fully, though. I then flailed to the stop while listening to GazettE <3 ON the bus I cery crappily did my English, and then studied for a test. Eventually I got the urge to listen to Super Junior. I did for the remainder of the ride.

In English itself, I spent my reading time taking two tests and failing both. XDDD IT was slightly lulzy. And in order to do that, I had to take off my hoodie. And that was very hard for me to do, because contact dermatitis leaves scabs on my arms. :/ And one of the largest ones was in plain sight. Luckily, no one said anything about it. 83 In Math I got a Homework quiz to make up that's due I dunno when, tomorrow I suppose, and we spend it finding out which hand a quicker reaction time. My non-dominant hand, the left, was way quicker. XDDD At lunch I did some Science and then drew a little.

In Science I took a make-up test, and got some worksheets. Then we started talking about what it would be like to see a giant mento being launched at you from a soda bottle. It was very interesting. o-O In band I apparently made my fellow clarinetists look like someone who lived in a box on the streets playing the clarinet for money. Which is a lie. They're as good as I am. D: In Spanish we just kinda talked. XD On the bus ride, Brandyn insulted my friend Lin, and I kinda snapped back at him for it. Afterward we were just kinda talking slightly. ON the way back I listened to SuJu a lot. I wonder why.
At home, I took some more meds, ate, and had a great discussion with my friend Lin over what the universe is like, past lives, imaginary friends being real in other dimensions, and other such stuff. It was so entertaining. X3

Overall, today was stressful, but SOOOOO worth it in the end.
