Full of Win Tuesday |D

So today, I woke up at about 6:13AM again, but this time my eyes stayed open for longer. XDD The song playing was Never Forgive Me, Never Forget Me off of teh Silent Hill Soundtrack, but then it switched to Taion by Dauto, so...yeah. e3e; Then I passed out and woke up again, this time at 7:30AM. So then I just kinda got ready, this time with UnsraW as a theme band for today. |D Took the meds as I was walking to teh bus, ect., ect. BUT THIS TIME, I was carrying my heavy-you-know-what history book. It killed my arm, man! DX And on the way there, my great little shuffle kept plaguing me with things like Gackt and the GazettE. But I like the GazettE, so. :3

After waiting for a while, the bus finally came. I did my maths, and was gifted with UnsraW~ <3 When I was walking in, Obscure finally decided to play. Right before I went into Engrish, my teacher apologized for making me take off my hoodie for a test. She thought that she embarrassed me. She didn't, of course, but... D: In Engrish itself, we worked on citation schtuff~~~ In math, I spent most of the hour taking a make-up test, and the other part taking a homework quiz. And tomorrow, we have a freaking test. Today is now test week in math. (in my mind~~) History was alright, I spent the hour killing my hand by writing an essay~ I bet I got a D on it. e3e;;

At lunch I actually ate a lunch that I brought, and then drew a little~~ It's quite lulzy. In science, we took a unit test that I think I did pretty well on, and then I read about gamma rays and alpha rays and beta rays like I do after every test. XD In band we were talking about marriage, and he said that'd we, "Find our significant other at a funeral." Everyone laughed. >3< In Spanish, we played a really fun card game. On the bus ride home, we all just kinda flailed around and laughed at laughter. Overall, it was a good day.
