Today was oddly great. I just woke up, and from 7:09AM on, I was all smiles. It was really weird. Usually I'm never happy in the morning. NEVER. So I got ready listening to Homestuck Music again (mIrAcLeS, cause it's flipping awesome. |D ), and then flailed down to the bus stop. On the bus itself, I did ALL of my science homework in, like, twenty minutes, and was plagued by UnsraW, Malice Mizer, and Karkat's Theme.
In Engrish, I still had Karkat's Theme stuck in my head, so I typed out a paper to that. Yeah, this whole week we've been doing nothing but typing. During the middle of it, I got the best freaking idea ever for a horror story. Who knows, maybe I'll type it out on here. And with my great typing skills, I made being "beuby", and "page" into "prage" and "praeg". It was oddly cool. In math we got a new project. And Karkat's Theme was there again~ We also did a motivational survey, which was pretty cool. :3 And I was gonna work alone on it, until Ami (uh-mi) and Makenzi saved me from lonliness~ Yeah, they're pretty awesome. |D In history we took more notes, and I doodled some more in the sidelines. Next year will apparently have more notes, but oh well. At one point, we were talking about cupcakes. o-O
At lunch we decided on the symptoms that come from sitting our table, I did some Spanish but not much, and I ate mah lunch~ In science me and Taylor talked about poisons, leading her to make the quote, "Why would you want to take the antidone when you've already had the poison?". Then we applauded Shawn for having his homework, and then Mrs. Gryffindor had her blood oranges, so me and Taylor started talking about blood oranges. Then it was the Blue Man Group. In band we did tests, and I got the rest of my Spanish homework done. |D Then in Spanish my teacher asked me why I wrote on my hand, and then I spent most of it drawing a checkerboard paper over one of the pages already corrected. It's pretty awesome. On the bus we were talking and drawing. And my friend Skyler apparently knows what Homestuck is <3