The song is oddly addictive, and the music video is sooo full of WTF. XDDD It's great!~
I can't really remember what I did on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. XDDD SERIOUSLY. It kinda makes me worry. SO I WAKE UP AT 11:05AM today and have some breakfast/lunch outta a sandwich that was in the fridge and came outta nowhere. o-O Then I strolled back to my room and fell back asleep, and woke up again around 2PM~~~ (LOLKOREANBANDMOMENT XDD ) Then I lurked around on Gaia, and chatted for a while while playing Pokeymanz. Then me and dad went and drove around. |3 And now I'm back on teh interwebs~
Also, I've been being plagued by nightmares for the past three nights except for possibly last night, I can't remember my dream from last night. o-O And lately I"ve been all "LOLKPOP 8DDDDDD " so for once, I shall not spam Diru <3
That was basically me and my sister while we frolicked through the mall on Friday <33 It was soo fun. XDDD