I HAS IT. FINALLY. And I'm totally pissed off. Why? My iPod Rire died on the bus today, I was forgotten about when a girl got the whole 1st hour English class to sign EXCEPT ME, and it gets better than that. I got a freaking 57/100 on a science final. FML. I studied pretty hard for that, too!!! It was 90 F outside, maybe even more, so that was great. And I think it's still 90.. But before that, I spent 6th hour watching some stupid video for the upper classmen. It was such a huge waste of time. I didn't even get the Spanish teacher to sign! He was tooo busy with the upper classmen, and not with his own class. -33 And on top of all that, I barely even talked to my friends, including my bffl. Most of them were sitting up in the middle, and I was in the very back, and Grinny had a headache, so she slept while I just kinda sat there and went through the iPod's music. God, was it horrible. On the way home there was virtually no shade, so I had to suffer through the heat with a heavy backpack. Did I zombie-walk? Yes. Did I flail? Nope. Not at all today. Not. At. All.

Though there was a few good parts. I'm not failing math, we saw teh Twilight Zone in English, we watched a movie in history and in band, and in science me, Hamza, Grinny, Tyler, and Haley geeked out over Portal 2, various movies, and other games.

EDIT: Life just got better. I have food. Ramen noodles to be exact. |3
