Hello there. My name is Xia. I'm the new No. XIII

[Click here to see Xia's File]

As you might have guessed, I, Xia, am a part of the new Organization XIII. This is my world. I'll put up my journal entries here...and...well,more stuff. Um...yeah...

MOAR Journal entries

There's been MOAR drama going in in the RP, so here is s new entry:

Day 47

I'm...so confused... so much has happened lately! I don't know where to start...

Well...first of all I had the WORST time of my life a couple weeks ago. I was too...sad to actually do anything. I'm not sure why...I though at first that it was because of Alex, but then I just couldn't talk or do anything without feeling stupid. So a couple days ago I nearly killed myself. Good fortune wanted that Daxovan showed up there and helped me to snap out of it... well, actually... it was Kyon the one who did that. I was very confused about it at first, but then Daxovan and I went to Neverland and figured out (thanks to a pixie) that Kyon is alive! He's a Nobody too! It was a real shock, but it made me happy.

So I'm happy now, but also confused. I'm scared that Kyon might not know me anymore. I wouldn't like it if that happened, after so much time... I figure, if he didn't remember...then that would be fitting punishment, no? After all it was me the one who caused him to get killed...

Also I'm kind of suspiscious. Xercon told me I was supposed to meet with No. I. but...I don't know why. He said it was soething only I would understand. Maybe I did something wrong? Oh dear...

Journal Entries (Part 1)

Day 1

Well, I'm bored and I have this notebook. Soooo I'm going to start a diary. I'm not sure of what am I supposed to write though. I'm not even that interesting, so.

Well, I just arrived here recently. The Castle is pretty strange. I don't really talk to the other members of the Organization...come to think of it, none of them talks to each other much. Then again, we're all new here. Maybe they are all shy? I don't know...

I seriously have nothing interesting to say. I'll be back later.

Day 3

I met some of the members of the Organization today. Well, two actually. Alex(VI) and Cevix(XII). They seemed nice enough. Though Alex scared me a bit by transforming into me. It was odd.

What am I supposed to write here?!

Day 10

I'm so confused... Alex came today and told me he wanted to take over. He asked me to help him. I kind of said no, but he threatened me...so I'm going to have to help him.

It's not fair. I thought he was my friend...oh well.

Day 11

I've been sneaking out as much as I can so I don't have to see Alex. It's kind of fun...

New people keeps coming. It's now Alex, Cevix, Moxie, Exvind(No. I), me and a new guy that I don't know. He is pretty scary though.

Day 14

(First entry)
Somenthing went wrong and no one will tell me! It's freaking me out. I know it's wrong because everyone is talking about it in hushed voices and everything. I'll aske later though. I have a mission now.

(Second entry)
I'm sad...

Good news is we have new members...but bad news is Alex died. I don't know what happened or when or how...but that's it. I feel horrible... The last death I've really seen was in my other life and it was Kyon's. I'm not going to take any more...

Exno, the new VI seems pretty nice, though... he wants to be friends, but I'm kinda...not sure. I don't think I want any friends for now. I'm too sad.
