How Things Have Been Going

Why hello blog thingy. It's been awhile!

I have been busy busy busy with work and school. I've been trying really hard to post and get things on here and make things but everything has been complete chaos. Things are finally settling down!

Tonight at work may have been crazy, but I put myself in a situation where I really really like someone and even though I don't think he and I could work out do to a slight age difference ( ;) Scandalous ) and his ex girlfirend, I got to bond with him a little tonight. <3. :). And all I can do is listen to Taylor Swift songs lately. Haha. Her lyrics keep defining how I feel! Right now, this is what I am listening to because of the guy I like and his ex girlfriend (recent ex girlfriend) that he may get back together with. :(. lol XD.


Okay so the friend I have been having a ton of problems with just ended our friendship. Things didn't get better what-so-ever. After school yesterday she was too lazy to pick up my sweater, which fell, and so she just stuck her boots on TOP of my sweater. Well her boots had white all over them because of the salt, therefore my BLACK sweater got white all over it and it's the only thing I have for a coat since she gets mad at me for bringing in my actual winter coat. ANYWAYS, I got mad. Not super pissed off but mad. So I texted her and I asked her why would she do that? Because it's rude. Everything wasn't so bad until she went and acted like it wasn't her fault my sweater got dirty because she couldnt hang my sweater up. (I wasn't there when she did this, otherwise I would have picked my own DAMN sweater up!!!!) I mean how lazy can one person be? So she and I got into it really bad (most of it was because we havnt been getting along since school started, because she's a completely different person!!!! And maybe I have changed too but I tried talking to her about it. I asked her if shes been stressed, I asked her if I did something wrong, but she always comes up with excuses.) So I took all my anger out on her and she took all her anger out on me. For everything that has happened. Then 2 hours later she asks me if I can put her headband in my backpack for her and I told her I couldnt because I didn't know how and that it was too hard since she didn't pick my sweater up. Yeah, it's pretty childish but it felt amazing. I was planning on going to the office the next morning (this morning) and was going to ask for a new locker partner, but after I sent that message, she told me she was going to move out into our other friend's locker. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THAT! I miss having my own locker and I miss being stuck in there with her complaining and whining about every little stupid princessy thing and then her lack of being able to communicate with me or anything! I feel great now that we are not friends, incredibly lonely, but yet I feel great. Because I know I have way better friends that treat me way better than she did. :). She can go buck herself. That's right. Buck.

Last 2 Days

Okay so the last 2 days has been quite long and eventful ones. Haha. Monday after work I slept at a friends house (the friend that I just got into a fight with ~ yes, we made up) and then Tuesday we went shopping. It was me and my 2 best friends. I got a new pair of boots. Fuzzy ones. :3. Actually they are the only boots I have. Then we played hide and seek in a furniture store XD. Too funny, right? Later after we ate we went to the YMCA and they swam while I sat in the hot tub then I eventually forced myself into the pool to swim with them. Then I spent 10 more min in the hot tub then we all went into the Sauna. Then we went upstairs to play in the youth room. Anyways, I got home and my other friend that I never see was there and she was going to sleep over but she ended up leaving at 2 in the morning and stole some of my things...>_>. Yeah, she's not sleeping over again.
Then I spent Wednesday relaxing and trying to not feel so sick because all day Tuesday I was completely miserable due to a cold. Yesterday (Wednesday) wasn't any better either. Well at 1 in the morning before my friend left I took some melatonin, so all day yesterday I was completely exhausted because I had only slept a few hours so it was still in my system. I fell asleep in my bathtub then I went to work and things got pretty interesting.
At work my coworkers were picking out every little mistake I made. And I made a lot of them because I was so out of it and tired and SICK. One of my favorite people to work with was like "No hi?" and so I was like "Hi." and then he was like "Way to get excited" so then I screamed "******" <--- His name in an exctied voice and so he screamed "CARI" the same way I screamed his name. Hahahaha. It was pretty funny. But later he asked when I got off and I usually work until 9 but I was only working til 8 last night and when I told him that he got kind of dissapointed. He told me it's fun to work with me because I am cheerful and I keep everyone entertained and in a good mood. He was concerned, but everyone else just kept picking at my mistakes. I was offered to stay til 9 and I was going to but my other coworkers were giving me so much crap (replacement word) that I wanted to leave. And I almost fell asleep cleaning a table. So yeah. Haha. As I was walking out, ****** was walking in and asked where I was going and told him home and that I didn't feel good and so he told me to drive safely and to have a good night. :3. <3. He's so sweeet. And he's not way older than me XD.

Picture from shopping/our boots :3

Blow up

So the situation with the friend went extremely horribly. I tried to talk to her about it today and the whole thing just blew up in my face. I told her that she has been grumpy and bitter and that her comments towards me needs to stop. I couldn't take anymore of her "oinking" or her opposing everything I say. If I like something but she doesn't, she would sit there and bash it. She told me that she is trying to be herself which she tries not to be because of me. How is that my fault? I am always trying to get her to be herself and to be more open with me but if her being open and herself is someone who is going to sit there and be mean to me, then I don't want any part of it! Seriously! I can't stop bawling my eyes out! I am just so hurt and pissed off and I want to punch her in the face for being so inconsiderate. I can't believe this has come to this and that she is being so horrible!!!


Exhausted and sore right now thanks to 3 days of work in a row but super excited for tomorrow. I am going Christmas Caroling in French and the other French classes that go and then afterwards me and my friend Savannah are going SHOPPING!!! We are going to buy our best friend a christmas present!!! :DD. Im sooo excited ^-^. And I got paid today. I got $231...I almost peed my pants when I read it because I thought it was going to be like 150. :PP. Wahoo! PLUS I GOT SENT THIS AMAZINGLY CUTE PETA CAT CHRISTMAS VIDEO! WATCH IT IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!