Just a day at a time...

Today could not have gone any worse. I was testing all day, which wasn't TOO bad, but I always had a lot of time left while everyone was still in need of finishing. A friend during lunch made a rude comment to me and pissed me off. Boyfriend is insisting to have me come visit him, but I can't because it's over the week when I have school. Then my mom starts yelling at me because of my "attitude". She has bad days, too. Which means she's going to be in a pissy mood. I am having a bad day, therefore I am in a REALLY bad mood. Obviously, to her, it's only okay when she's in a bad mood and having a bad day. But when I'm in a bad mood and having a bad day then all hell breaks loose.

During testing I got a text from my uncle telling me my boss told me I start working today...which I never got told that by anyone because the manager that was working yesterday was lazy and retarded and didn't help me out at all. Didn't give me my schedule or anything. So then I decided to get my work permit. I went to go do that but "Noooo". I couldn't because I had to have a letter from my employer.! They didn't give me a letter at all. Not a schedule, letter, NOTHING. Im just in the mood for something GOOD to happen. *sigh*

Halloween Results :P

So, I went trick or treating. Yes, I am 16. Yes, I got tons of candy. Haha. Well today at school, I wore part of my costume. Since my cosplay costume didn't come in time for Halloween, I was Batgirl. I wore the top and the belt, but I also wore heels. By 7th hour (There are 9 hours/periods a day at my school) my feet were KILLING me. So after 8th hour I changed into my flip flops. I got home and added cards on here and then ate, got dressed for halloween and got my chore done. Instead of wearing my heels, I wore my converse. But when I got home....OMG do my feet hurt like hell. The area between the arch of your foot and your toes (I call em nuggets, but that's just me XD) are sore like no tomorrow. I can't walk on that part of my foot without being in excrutiating pain. NOOO exaggeration, either! I DID, however, get a buttload of candy....BUT the sad part is, I have 2 cavities and even thought the dentist said they are small, they hurt really really really bad. So I'm not quite sure how much I'm gonna get to eat yet...haha. I got a lot of Whoppers. I don't like those. I think they are icky. Which means I won't eat those. Bahahaha. I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween! :D. LOVE YOU GUYS! :)


I've been pretty busy lately. Last weekend was my birthday party and Monday my grandma and aunt had gastric bipass surgery and just got out of the hopsital today. Finally have a day to myself...well mostly. I have to go to my youth group tonight. My birthday present from my dad and his girlfriend came today. It's a gorgeous ruby ring! REAL SILVER. x). Red. My favorite color. :).



Thank you everyone who wished me a happy birthday and sent me gifts :DD

Konata Cosplay!!! Part II

My wig:


And hopefully after tomorrow or Tuesday I will be getting the rest which is this:


~UPDATE~ I am going to get the Autumn uniform rather than the Summer uniform because the convention will be during the fall not the summer. haha.
