Okay so it's only the 5th day of school and I'm already sick! I have an absolutely HORRIBLE immune system. I've been so sick constantly for the past year and a half. Sometimes it's not that bad but other times it's like "WTF". Today was one of those "WTF" days. I can barely breathe, I couldn't concentrate, I got out of breath easily, and then I had gym class the hour before I left. I sat there thinking..."Omg I can't do this I need to go home." Im a baby when it comes to gym class, but I'll do it. I'll just stop whining and do it. But today, the thought of being sore from Tuesday, being sick and barely being able to breathe, exhausted, and a migraine coming PLUS having to do all the $h!t we have to do in gym class. Uh uh. No way. I couldn't and wouldn't be able to do it. The bad part is, I missed english yesterday because of an appointment and I had to miss it again. Not only that, but I have a quiz today in math which I won't be there to do. "Yay" :(

Bored Random Stuff

Just got done watching Paul for the 2nd time. Gosh it's such a funny movie. I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I have 2 quizzes. One in french, which I will ACE. And the other one is in Chemistry..which I am not so hot in so far. And it's only been 3 days. Im so excited for Saturday because I am going to Chuck E. Cheese's. XD. Fun, right? hehe. Wish me luck on my quizzes tomorrow! :)

My Birthday

My birthday is on the 20th, 15 days away! I'm pretty excited. It's all I can think about because I am hoping my uncle will fix my laptop for my birthday. He had to fix the charging part and while putting it back together he ended up breaking the piece that connected the keyboard to it. My room has been in the process of being fixed since January-ish...and it's almost done and when it is finally done I am hoping my laptop will be done too. Anyways, I really want a Sasuke cosplay, it's only $45 with free shipping, but I only have $20 so maybe I'll get birthday money from other people. I'm just posting about this because I'm really excited. x3.

Results of My Weekend

So I just got back from spending the weekend with my friends Alyssa and Kionna. I met them at Wausaubicon like I mentioned in the previous post, "Russia". After school I did my chores and showered and got ready, then I headed to meet them in the Walmart Subway. This would be the first time my mom and I met Alyssa's mom. My uncle, Robert, kept lecturing my mom about letting me go because she didn't know these people, but everything went just fine. I got there and we watched the movie Paul. It was my first time watching it but their 5th time watching it. It was so funny! After that we watched Family Guy and I started to doze on and off but eventually woke up. When Kionna went to bed me and Alyssa just bonded and girl-talked. The next day we cosplayed at walmart. Suprisingly, we didn't get kicked out like we thought we would. For dinner I ate pig feet for the first time ever! It tasted just like pork chops or something. Then we just goofed off in Alyssa's bedroom and giggled and laughed. It got even more fun when we drew eyes on our chins and put our heads upside down and was taking pictures of our faces. XD. A while after that and we went to bed and then I went home the next day. :(. I can't wait to see them again.


Tomorrow I get to reunite with my friend Alyssa who I met at Wausaubicon. I will be going over to her house (she lives 2 hours away!" And will be there for 2 nights! I get homesick easily, but Im sure I can do it! For the occasion, my sister, Hanna, is letting me borrow her Russia cosplay (but not the wig because I refuse to wear a wig after her.) So I will deal with my brownish-blackish longish girly hair. LOL. But Im really excited! Can't wait! Ah!