
I just got home from our fair and it was a horrible way of spending my day. I woke up and my agenda was to sit at home and do my chores and then go to my youth group. It's my last day of summer. Why not spend it the way I have spent it everyday before. My grandma gave me money to go to the fair and I was excited...and I thought that I should bring my 6 year old sister and spend time with her there because she is free. Well it started out great..but then it just got worse and worse. My friend left to go hang out with other people. That was okay because I wanted to spend time with my sister (Jaidyn) anyways. We looked at the cows and the goats and the sheep AND the chickens and ducks. It was fun but then the rides opened and she kept crying because we couldn't afford to do any of the fun stuff. She pushed me over the edge and I ended up crying because we couldn't do anything and I sat there watching tons of people pull out their money and spend it like they had a money tree that they were growing. Im really sick of seeing people do that. Especially my friends when they take money for granted. I am a family of poor people and if I could get a job I would, but I can't. I can't help how rich or poor my family is...and it just SUCKS so bad to see my friends buy what they want or their parents buy what they want for them... It's just hard. Most days I just deal with it but a day like today I broke down.

German Sparkle Party

LOL @ this song!


I keep making tons and tons of cards and I do not like that we can only post 3 a day because I LOVE making them and I want people to see them all right now! XD. I can't wait til I am an Otakuite++ because I want to make challenges. How long does it take to become one? Does anyone have an idea?


My BESTEST friend is now on this website so if it's not too much trouble could you subscribe to her? :DD

Her username is kupkakekinzerz

She's awesome. :)

Please, and thanks. n___n

Manson :)

All thanks to my friend, Katheryn, a few years ago got me into the amazing Marilyn Manson. First song I actually heard by him. I was going through my music and decided to listen to it and share my love for Marilyn Manson with others :)