Yesterday started out good. Started doing my own thing, until I was attacked by a migraine, which forced me to stop what I was doing (watching Lucky Star) and lay down and sleep. It sucked really bad. I ended up taking tylenol pm (3 of them) and I slept like a baby. haha. But then my mom woke me up to ask if I wanted a Domino's sandwhich, and I'm telling you people, those things are delicious. Then I ended up falling asleep again, but then I was woken up AGAIN and so then I got up and got on my computer and played on (my user name is (Chizuru-chan) and it's an awesome website). Then I layed down after an hour and started watching Nabari no Ou. SO GOOD. Im sure none of you care what goes on in my petty little life, but it's fun to just blog about it. hhahaha.


Had a sleepover with my friend, Stacie, so I wasn't on very much to watch any anime. It was quite depressing, but now she's gone and I can continue on to finish Hetalia World Series and then going back to try finishing Durarara!!

Sweden and Finland

HAHAHA Okay. I am finishing Hetalia World Series, and on episode 30, my favorite fan yaoi couple, Sweden and Finland, had another scene together and this was the most hilarious thing to me, so I made a video out of it!

Out of the house!

Finally got out of the house today! Lately all I have been doing was sit here on my computer and eating. Haha. Healthy, right? XD. I went to my youth group and afterwards, we had a little movie party with food! :). I had tons of fun. It was a break from a computer screen and anime. Even though I love anime, I needed to get out of the house. This is why I like school. 'Cause Im not lazy when school's around. I hope everyone else is enjoying their summer and not being as lazy as I am! ^_^


Today I made English Scones. Scones are typically eaten with I also made tea. I was really unsure if they would turn out or not, but they did! They were delicious! I put some grape jelly on it and that made it taste even better! I want to make crumpets next. (I am making food that goes with tea. Scones, crumpets, finger sandwitches, ect)