Yesterday started out good. Started doing my own thing, until I was attacked by a migraine, which forced me to stop what I was doing (watching Lucky Star) and lay down and sleep. It sucked really bad. I ended up taking tylenol pm (3 of them) and I slept like a baby. haha. But then my mom woke me up to ask if I wanted a Domino's sandwhich, and I'm telling you people, those things are delicious. Then I ended up falling asleep again, but then I was woken up AGAIN and so then I got up and got on my computer and played on (my user name is (Chizuru-chan) and it's an awesome website). Then I layed down after an hour and started watching Nabari no Ou. SO GOOD. Im sure none of you care what goes on in my petty little life, but it's fun to just blog about it. hhahaha.
