Okay so it's only the 5th day of school and I'm already sick! I have an absolutely HORRIBLE immune system. I've been so sick constantly for the past year and a half. Sometimes it's not that bad but other times it's like "WTF". Today was one of those "WTF" days. I can barely breathe, I couldn't concentrate, I got out of breath easily, and then I had gym class the hour before I left. I sat there thinking..."Omg I can't do this I need to go home." Im a baby when it comes to gym class, but I'll do it. I'll just stop whining and do it. But today, the thought of being sore from Tuesday, being sick and barely being able to breathe, exhausted, and a migraine coming PLUS having to do all the $h!t we have to do in gym class. Uh uh. No way. I couldn't and wouldn't be able to do it. The bad part is, I missed english yesterday because of an appointment and I had to miss it again. Not only that, but I have a quiz today in math which I won't be there to do. "Yay" :(
